Daisy Richey Lewis - Letters 1940 (Tent & Trailer)
Mountains near Pinetop, Arizona Summer, 1940
Dear Mother,
We arrived here about 8 o'clock, no trouble at all or it would have been later. This new camp is on the other slope of the mountain from St. Johns. The others have been too. It was a little hard to find a place level enough for a tent. Ivan set it up soon after we arrived so we slept in shelter. He didn't take a shift the first night but did last night & is sleeping now. Dwyn and I are sitting in the sun now. Waiting for him to wake up. I can wash dishes. She is playing with wild flowers, daisies, dandelions, Indian paint brush.
We will go to Pinetop after dinner. I hope our package is there. We sent for a 15 gal. water can. Sure do need it. The 5 gal. only lasts a day. It will be easier to get water for a washing with 20 gallons at a time.
Hope Vivian feels good from now on. I did so want to see her again. Tell her she didn't look so good when I last saw her, sort of under the weather. Didn't even see Josephine. How is Nellie? As we stopped by Hugh's we heard she had fallen & hurt herself. Hope it is nothing serious.
We hear that this outfit Ivan is with now will be closer to St. Johns soon. Hope we are with it but can't tell yet.
I had a scare last night. About 11 o'clock I woke to hear something lapping water from something in the tent. It sounded so loud and big that I spoke to Ivan. The tent opened a little at the front and something went out. The people here in camp have a little pup & this morning I am willing to believe it was that, but not last night. Ivan had to go on shift about that time & I was so scared I burned a candle for a long time.
We are sure in the tops of the mountains here. Camped almost on top of a good sized one, the slope is quite sudden & drops to the valley the highway goes through. I can look across almost level with us and see mountains so distant they are blue & hazy. This is quite a nice place to live. We will move down the mountain slope the last of the week for the next dam.
Dwyn is leaning against me almost asleep so must take her and feed her and put her to sleep. She seems all right now.
Take care of yourself. Wish you could stay with us a while up here. Maybe when we get a trailer you will.
Love, Daisy
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Near Pinetop, Ariz. April 20, 1940
Dear Mother,
We are out here near the highway from McNary to Whiteriver living in a tent. We came Monday and will move down the road five miles about tomorrow. Please send our mail to Pinetop Ariz, General Delivery until I tell you later to send it to box so & so, probably Whiteriver. We will be there or near there before long.
We moved the day it snowed. It is lovely weather now. Will you tell Mr. Brown to send our mail to Pinetop as I cannot find a card. Write me the news. Is our trailer started? Hope everyone is well and you too.
Love, Daisy
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Pinetop, Arizona May , 1940
Dearest Mother,
Hoping to hear from you when I got to Pinetop today. Monday we were all ready to move to St. Johns but the boss decided to go on down the mountain & build more tanks here. Looks as if we won't be down until our trailer house is finished.
The last two tanks have been so close to the highway that we seem closer to civilization.
I needed to wash and was saving it up to do down there. But tomorrow Ivan and I are going to take Dwyn and the washing & go down to the river (White River) and really wash.
Were intending to do so today but Lewis Tenney brought his mother and Brother W.G. Sears (his and Ivan's mission president) last night about 10 o'clock.
Tenney is showing him the reservation today & they will be back tomorrow. I never have expected to have him visit us. They say it is a small world.
Thursday we went down to the river to wash. Most places the Malipai (how is it spelled) cliffs are just straight up and down drops. Where we descended to the river bed the trail was very steep. Quite a climb out after washing. I had lots of good water for once & used clorox so now my clothes are whiter than since I left St.Johns. After we washed, Ivan made about seven trips up and down to get all the clothes, etc. up. I hung them out here on Mrs. Wagonfehr's clothes line. Everything is clean once more.
The canyon the river goes down is a beauty spot not to be forgotten. There were the tallest fir trees & that kind you have around the house & one that resembled an elm only a dark smooth trunk. So many rose bushes and some cactus, a few violets and this strange flower I am sending. Grows about a foot high & the leaves go all the way up the stem like that. This other flower looks like a violet but the leaf is fernlike, do you know the name? Thought I'd send a few flowers to press as this is the month for Mother's Day (don't know when) & I am so far away I can't even find a card. Bro. Sears, Dwyn and I went after those little purple flowers which look like violets. There is a spring seepage close. The other day Ivan dug a hole thinking we would have some water there but only a little has run in.
We have been to town twice recently but didn't have this ready to send.
I hope that Vivian is getting along just fine. I'd like to see that baby so much. I'll bet the reason I haven't heard from you is that you have been down there a lot.
Dwyn walks when she happens to want to now. Sometimes on the bed she will stand up by herself and go almost around the outside without falling. She is so tickled when she does go a way without a fall. Did I tell you she has new little hard soled oxfords that I think help her. When her dad started to carry her up that steep trail today from the river she objected and cried until he put her down and let her climb it herself. But she was extra tired tonight, so cross I could hardly get supper & Lewis & Bro. Sears were back for supper.
I haven't heard a word from St.Johns for almost two weeks. Lewis will mail this tomorrow in Flagstaff, I guess. Next week Wanda will come with Lewis & I will be glad to have more company in camp.
The lady who was here is over at Camp Verde to stay with her sister who is expecting a new baby.
Tonight we are about as far from the tractor as it is across the lot of yours from Udall's to the street. After I get to sleep I seldom notice it. Dwyn just sleeps right through it.
I am in hopes that we will be transferred to that job near St. Johns if so we may be down within a couple of weeks. But I was ready a week ago to go down there.
Ivan will be off shift before I get to bed if I don't stop. Love, Daisy
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Near Whiteriver, New Mexico May 17, 1940
Dear Mother,
Had your letter just now. Someone is going back to town so will drop you a line. The last letter I mailed before the mail was up at Pinetop & then we went to the fish hatchery to see how it was run and then went into Pinetop again. There was your letter and I haven't been to town since.
We will go to near McNary about Sunday I think that must be the 19th. Never get to look at a calendar.
Wanda Tenney is here this week. Her baby and mine are the same age almost. They both walk wherever they take a notion. Dwyn goes visiting so often as they are close that I have a hard time keeping track of her.
This camp has lots of bugs and spiders since it rained. We have moved twice since I wrote before. Washed yesterday, we used water from irrigation ditch taken from Diamond Creek. This creek empties into Whiteriver and you should see the valley of the two rivers. The wild flowers are thick and it is so cool there. Yellow Columbine, violets, honeysuckle, yesterday was the first time I have seen it wild. A red bell flower and pink and white locust. It's really a dream.
Wish you could come and stay a while in the mountains. If you get a chance next week after Monday come up. We will be out of McNary about three miles. We will be off the road a short distance. The people at the Shell gas station could probably tell you where we will be. Just bring your bed. We could take you back when we go for trailer or some other time.
To get this off I'll have to stop. Will probably see you sometime soon when we go for the trailer. We will be down the first chance we get.
Love, Daisy
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(postcard) Show Low, Arizona June 17, 1940
Dear Mother,
It is getting hot up here. Today we moved down highway 60 about 16 miles from Show Low off the road about 1/2 mile. Dwyn had a tooth on the ninth, a lower one & 1 more is almost in. Ivan laid off 3 days on account of a breakdown of tractor. This tank [water tank for ranch stock] is a three or four day job & then we will move farther away. Don't know where yet. Dean said he saw Biness & Bessie on their way to Phoenix. Am wondering, 4 you are at Farmington. The trailer house is certainly swell. The moving today was over such bad road [steep] we have been a little worried but the car pulls fine & we made it ok. Write me Show Low if you write right back or wait until you hear from me again. Dr. Hollie says an herb treatment & exercise so will try that I think.
Love, Daisy
 The 6x13 trailer house Hugh built.
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June 17, 1940
Dear Mother,
I am starting to write this by moonlight as Dwyn is still awake & has had so many interruptions tonight that she isn't going to sleep easily. She can hear the men servicing the tractor and when her dad said something she said, "Daddy?"
Yesterday the camp population went to Salt River for a swim & took our lunch. There were a lot of picnickers there. They must have been from Globe. On our way back I noticed a lot of century plants in bloom. Some were fiery red at the top where they had not fully opened.
Coming out from Show Low there are large patches of white cosmos. Remember Leigh and I brought you some the year before I was married. I'll enclose some from a bunch on my table in this letter. They wilted.
We went to the Indian trading post today for water. It's about 14 miles up and back. We can get groceries there too.
Guess you have heard the news about France. Wagonfehr's have a radio in their car and we go over sometimes to listen. The situation looks serious. Mr. Tenney was out tonight & we listened to news reports again. We were talking afterward and he said he would like to get a couple of cows and make jerky and store flour, etc. Ivan and I have been thinking about getting flour with the first extra ten dollars we get. There are so many other things one needs, too. And it seems so much extra when the necessities for the present are so hard to get. But I hope we can all put something away. That sack of beans may come in handy yet.
We managed to leave a number of things we need down there. I may write for them later.
This tank is so small that we should move Friday or Saturday. It will probably be to a much warmer place. This has been so mild here in the mountains. I rather dread the heat especially for the baby. Wanda Tenney's baby just had dysentery and so did Mildred's boy. The Doctor told her to feed the baby scraped apple. [scrape it with a spoon] He also said it would prevent the disease. Since hearing this I try to keep some on hand to give Dwyn occasionally.
The Thursday after we got here I went with Ivan and Lewis to McNary to a cottage meeting. They had been invited to talk about Samoa. The stake missionaries carry on the work there with a small but interested group. The people were mostly from Snowflake Stake but met Emily Brown Barnes and her husband. She knew who I was. It was a surprise, in St. Johns she has never spoken to me that I remember.
Write me what you've been doing since I left. Is Vivian's girl getting fat? How is everyone? Thursday - I haven't managed to post this but we may go to town after dinner. Ivan is changing the other fellow off then he comes for dinner.
It started to rain before we got through with dinner. I had forgotten what a mountain storm is like. The lightning & thunder are terrific. The trailer leaked through the end window. The bed got wet & the things in the drawers had to be taken out to dry. They were swollen until I could hardly open them, quite a mess. Lucky the top didn't leak.
Just decided not to go to town today. I'll wash in the morning and we'll go to town after dinner. For water, mail, groceries and me some shoes.
When we move next week it will either be Lakeside or Springerville. If Springerville I may see you. How would you like to visit us there? Better not write here again, I'll send a card as soon as we locate again. Take care of yourself.
Love, Daisy
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Dwyn had to read this, that's why all the wrinkles and part of the bad writing.
Morenci, Arizona July 31, 1940
Dear Mother,
The first night we camped the other side of Springerville (from St.Johns). It was rainy when we left St.Johns and sprinkled some all night, not bad. Next morning we got to traveling about 9:30. It rained on us early but soon we had passed Alpine & were on the other side of the mountain.
About lunch time we stopped & had chicken dinner in a valley. After that we seldom did anything but climb around mountains, up & up & then down & down. There was a straight stretch of road up near Hannigan & then we climbed up & around through spruce & fir and quaking aspens so thick they could each interweave its branches with three or four more trees. The road was fairly level with this close growth. It was a lot darker.
Ivan said it was the nearest to a jungle he had seen since being in Samoa. Later after we had seen a lot more mountains he was wishing for a chance to show it to some of his Samoan friends. Said they could well be surprised.
After that closed in stretch we reached a 10,500 feet elevation . We couldn't see much, just enough to tell we were really up away from the other mountains. Soon after, we found a patch of strawberries and raspberries. Ate some and filled our car with gas. Jay's car was leading and soon after this he stopped. We had come out on the mountainside. Looking down made me so dizzy that I could hardly stand upright. Jay said he was going to look. He had been over the road before but had not looked enough. The incline from road was almost straight up and down quite steep along a narrow road. From then on we wound around mountains until we camped 15 miles from Clifton. Next day we wound down a mountain and then we went down a canyon to Clifton. Morenci is up on the mountain from there 7 miles. Roads weren't very narrow just breathtaking.
We arrived Morenci about noon Thursday. The men put in their application & we pitched camp. But next day we had to move. Now we inhabit the top of a long hill about half way between Clifton and Morenci off the highway about 3/4 mile.
You asked about trees. I've seen one tree in about 5 miles, but we aren't near it. Bushes and cactus are our shade. The trailer house, tent and cars keep us fairly cool though.
Our usual program after dinner is spread quilts under and around trailer house and rest.
The situation here seems fair. They put on men every month & sometimes every day. Lou wanted to know about it. We can tell more in a few days. If we get a job then others could stay with us and look for work. Tell you more later.
The train goes close by and it entertains our bunch for a while every day.
We had been eating fried bread until last Saturday when the men made us a bake oven (Indian style, Zuni). With a little practice it bakes fine. Mable made a good chocolate cake tonight and baked it in this oven.
Every day Jay and Ivan go to Morenci to look for work and they always bring water. Mable washed last week and I washed today. We have to string the line between the trailer house and car. Children sleep in car and Jay's trailer and Jay and Mable have their bed.
Although we haven't seen any snakes, we feel safer. After the first the men have more hopes of work.
1st - Well this is another day and another month. We have enough to last us another week. Hope to find work before then.
Jay says if hail broke his windows in house would you get someone to board them up. There are nails in his basement. He sent the key to house in a letter to Leigh day before yesterday. Says he will pay someone to do it. That must have been some storm you had. Jay and Ivan were talking to a man from Snowflake who said there had been a heavy storm over there. He said it practically ruined Taylor.
The storms here are quite regular. Seldom a day passes that we do not at least get sprinkled on. Have had some fairly heavy rains too. We are camped in a valley of hills with mountain ranges rising all around (at some distance). It rains nearly every day on these.
While washing yesterday I got a very good sunburn on my back. Sure is sore. I've a good case of hives. I'm up a stump how to iron my clothes. May heat those irons on coals - Mable has one too.
Just now I can't think of much more to say. The men are almost ready to go up to Morenci. The town is built right up a mountain side. We drove up high once and some house roofs were level with the road. Just below the road. We were hunting a jeweler at the time.
Wanted to sell our jewelry, we have so much. (ha, ha) He wouldn't offer enough so we took a bracelet to a service station and got some gas on it. We have two beaded belts Ivan is trying to sell to the Mexicans. Also we have a mandolin we may sell to stay until we can get work. I'm telling you this so you won't worry about us. I'm sure we will make out ok. Would like to see you.
Write us Gen. Del. for a while.
Love, Daisy
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Clifton, Arizona August 4, 1940
Dear Mother,
We are still parked on this hill between Clifton and Morenci. Last week we went exploring the canyon above Clifton (the same one we came in through) to try to locate a shady camping spot near water. There were many good places for water & shade in a ghost town (Metcalf) but there were too many bad places for children to play. Old wells and smelters, etc. sent us back to this hill top quite satisfied. We must be used to this hotter climate or else the rainy season has cooled it. That was our main objection.
Jay and Ivan went to Clifton just now for an extra batch of water. Usually we don't get any over Sunday. Since we don't use all we can haul at once we save it a time or two and then wash.
Something else I wanted to tell you about that trip up this canyon. The roads aren't very wide and are winding. As we came around one curve there were a lot of rocks and mud across the road, leaving just enough room for the car to squeeze by. While we were up looking over ruins a heavy storm had passed over this area. The roads were quite muddy and it looks as if water had dislodged this batch of rocks and mud. The road winds around the rock cliffs. Morenci is up on top of this canyon, so to speak. Clifton is down the canyon, from there it is a climb of about a thousand feet up the mountainside to Morenci.
Saturday the 3rd Ivan went to work for a subcontractor. Don't know yet how steady it will be until the company really gets to work, but at least it will keep us here a while. Jay hopes to get on Monday somewhere. Things look brighter now. Ivan is at present helping load lumber, etc. He gets $3.20 per day. Of course both men hope to do better but that looks good right now.
Quite often our bunch take some knives and go out in the cactus and get prickly pears to eat. They are about 4 times as big as up there.
The men are waiting to go to work and to find work.
Sorry to hear you are ill. Hurry and get well.
More next time. Tell Leigh to write. Love, Daisy
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near Clifton, Arizona August 12, 1940
Dear Mother,
Am sorry we had to cause you and the folks over there so much anxiety over our little trip. Maybe worrying about us has not helped your system during your sickspell.
Hope that you get to feeling very fine soon again. Am glad you are in Farmington for a visit with Elizabeth. I very much appreciate the assistance from her and the children and so do all the rest. Please tell her so. The help and interest of the whole family at this time has been heartening all along. Lou became quite anxious, also Vivian & Leigh had not heard about us either. Had letter from them recently. After you left they sort of lost track of our doings. That letter you had about the 9th was to reassure you all that we were fine.
Ivan had work 2 1/2 days last week which with that dollar you sent bought us a week's groceries. The ten Leigh sent at first was about a week's supply and Ivan had work Saturday and today also. Which will make another week's groceries if necessary. Leigh sent Jay another 10 last week and told him to come home unless he had a job.
That would take us all home if necessary but Ivan doesn't want to go back to St. Johns until he has to. Jay and Mable aren't sure but may go home after Wednesday. Let you know soon.
Ivan has a prospect of a job with the photographer in Clifton but not until September. The man talked as if he were certain of giving him a chance like he has been wanting. If this materializes at all we will live in Clifton a while. There is a branch of LDS in Morenci.
Yesterday we went to Clifton and got ice and went on up the river to some shade and then had a picnic. Later we drove about the town and found more of the residential districts. It is built either side of a river and up two or three other canyons. Houses are built on the mountain side.
At one trailer court they have a toilet, shower bath and garbage disposal & parking space & lights & water for $7.50 month. We could park there just about as cheaply as anywhere if we stay and get a job.
This place on top of the hill is fine for now though. From here last night we saw a heavy electric storm on the mountains to the southeast. The lightning hardly ever stopped. Sometimes it rippled and jumped along underneath the clouds for long distances, lighting up the land for a long way. We must have watched it for an hour or more.
Last Saturday Jay just missed getting on. If he had asked the man just after Ivan did he would have. But Ivan and he didn't get together on it. In two or three days we will know for sure what we will do and let you know for sure.
Dwyn had 5 teeth now and three more swollen. Every time I mention Grandma she says Biddie (pretty) and likes to hear all about you and all the folks.
Well I hope you continue to feel better, Mother. I am sure we are going to be able to find means of earning a living soon. Please do not worry about us. We shall try to figure this out best for us all and I know we shall have the blessings of our Heavenly Father. Love, Daisy
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Clifton, Arizona Aug 24, 1940
Dear Mother,
Had your letter but wrote to Elizabeth just before I received it so haven't been in such a hurry to answer.
I had to have curtains. In this court everyone is so close. I don't like to have a light without some blinds. Penny's had material like I have wanted at 89 cents a yard. It only took 2 1/2 yards. The end window looks messy, material is heavy. I will have to find another way or other material.
Had an excellent storm last night, lightning here is something terrible. The trailer leaked on every side, in all the windows & on both beds. Dwyn's had to be remade.
I'll tell you some of the things she has been doing lately. A black dog in the court scares her when it gets close. She stands & screams kind of like when I meet a snake. (Only seen one down this country) The other day I said "Oh boy" to her when putting her up on the bed. So she says "Oh boy" now. Since the children went home she wants me to entertain her most of the time. When I mention any of them she buzzes like a car. Last night we went around part of the block, across the tracks & up the hill. Dwyn walked all the way swinging her arms. It must have been 5 blocks but we couldn't even pick her up to cross the street. She must walk all the way & she was so tired when we finally came home she didn't want to get undressed. She has six teeth now, 4 on top. She is very particular. Once she sees an article in a certain place she promptly puts it back when out of place. She says a lot of words once. When Jay's kiddies were here she said Forest & Floyd.
I get to wash on Tuesday afternoons. Did I tell you about the wash room. There is an electric Maytag. Automatic water heater on the tank & drain in the cement floor. Just drain water on to floor.
We are getting along ok. There is talk of a raise for Ivan, hope it materializes.
There is a Mormon fellow from Luna working where Ivan is. He is to move his family close to us here soon. There are some other Mormon families around this neighborhood.
We are across the street from the place where they will have the Coronado celebration. It is the last of this week. Are they having one over there? It is well advertised here.
We haven't heard from Jay & Mable yet. Ought to have word from them this morning. Dwyn & I are going up town to the post office soon. She will walk most of the way. There is a lily pond by a house we pass & it has yellow water lilies in bloom. There is a white duck & a green frog that do not move that Dwyn likes to see. Whenever I do turn her outside she goes visiting. Two trailers have some chairs out front & she goes over & sits in them. It is couped up here but we go to the grocery store about a block away nearly every day. The fresh vegetables & fruit are a little cheaper here than St. Johns.
Dwyn has a funny balloon in two sections which when she squeezes on one end pooches out the other, she plays with it a lot. Her doll is just becoming interesting to her. Maybe the kiddies taught her how to play with it.
Mother you could just come on down here to us instead of going home. The weather is cooling some, I haven't noticed the heat for 2 or 3 days.
Hope you are all right. Tell everyone hello for us.
Love, Daisy
P.O. Box 374, Clifton
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Clifton, Arizona September 6, 1940
Dear Mother,
Have been looking for a letter from you. Ivan brought it last night about 8 o'clock when he came from work. He is working for the photographer since Tuesday. He likes it, of course. he had a lot of work for 3 days, but says since the Coronado Celebrations rush is over that there aren't so many films. He just prints the pictures and develops them out. A Spanish girl develops the films & finishes the pictures. He is hoping to continue working there. Anyway, to ease you mind about us, we haven't been hungry yet and I don't think we will be.
For all the fruit will be nice, you should be careful now for a long time. Go light on the work is my advice.
I'm not sure that I told you about Mr.& Mrs. Paul. He worked on Ivan's gang. They became quite well acquainted. They came from Luna & we thot they were Mormons but they aren't. Just a young couple, they have three children. Last week they bought a house about a block from here. We visit quite a bit. Their yard is big and Dwyn can run with the kiddies all she wants.
There is a place by them we could park. If we can get a private toilet we may move over there. It would be so nice a place for our girl. She runs to the road here. I can't let her out by herself & it takes so much time to go with her. She feels cooped up in the trailer too.
Oh oh it rained all night last night. The rain came down in torrents. We finally put our mattress on the floor to sleep out of the rain. Even then it leaked on the foot. We are going to have to fix it a little.
When I washed this week my flower garden quilt was so dirty I did it out. It looks so nice and fresh. It won't stay that way long though. The bed is where Dwyn and I spend most of our time. We have both big catalogues to look at & dream over.
On our way back from watching the train go by yesterday Dwyn found a dime. So we promptly went around the block and got her an ice cream cone. When I first started this letter she was next door looking at a white kitty. He got mad and clawed her. I think it scared her more than hurt her. She sure did cry until I got her in my arms. It was much better when I put adhesive plaster on it too. She has the thumb-sucking habit bad so her dad wrapped it up. She never did cry about it, just sat and looked at it. It wasn't good any more. Dad finally took it off. She isn't cured but it put a damper, you might say, on wanting to suck it. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins who were in this court left yesterday. He was laid off and wouldn't stay to see if he got work again. I sure did hate to see her go, she was such good company. She has three children but none with her and she liked Dwyn around. The others don't seem to think children belong on the earth. It would be lonesome if I didn't know Mrs. Paul. She is near my age.
There are some Mormons about a block away but I haven't met them. We were going to S.School at Morenci last Sunday but it rained. So will try to go this Sunday.
Haven't worked much on Genealogical temple sheets as I haven't felt so well for about a week. But I'll feel ok about tomorrow and get at them. Do you know if we send the sheets to the Index Bureau. I wonder if that change they made, changed their address?
The photographer, Mr. Gabusi, puts out a postcard of the road near Hannigan Meadow I have told you about. I want Ivan to put one in with this letter.
Saturday - Here is the card. Dwyn and I walked up to the photog. shop last evening & got this card. She gets so restless by evening we just about have to go somewhere. Doc Hollie's letter and the herbs came today. It was a gallon can of dry mashed herbs. I recognize some pieces of straw, oat I think. The dose is 2 tablespoons in a pint of hot water, let stand so long and drink the liquid. That is for each day. Supposed to last a month. Smells strongly like straw. We shall see before long how much good it does. Probably the way I eat will have a lot to do with it too.
Today for dinner I am having cabbage & tomato salad & raw turnips & peaches with canned milk & whole wheat bread. As whole wheaty as we can buy at least.
Ivan came home a while ago for enlarging paper & brought Vivian's letter. I won't have time to write her for it is a quarter to twelve. You might tell her nothing would be nicer than to have her down here. I sure do get lonesome with none of the family around.
The Betchel Co. is laying off men occasionally, one group since we wrote her. But they will put on a great many more soon. Maybe we can get you down to stay a while this winter.
Love, Daisy
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(postcard) Clifton, Arizona September 14, 1940
Dear Vivian,
If you think cockroaches are big there you should see them here. One gets in the trailer at least once a week. They are light brown & long & hard to get out of the house. Am making Dwyn a lttle yellow dress from the material I had on hand - trimming it with lace & ribbon if I can find some real narrow. Dwyn still remembers Alvin & Leonard & Leonard's baby sister. When I mention any of the family up there she stops & thinks. The lady next to us has a big white cat. One day Dwyn went everywhere the cat did - just sat & watched it & when it moved, she moved too. This court isn't very good for a child her size - so many cars coming & going & the road close. There is a little boy here now. Ivan left for Tucson this morning, intending to thumb it down & back. The photographer gave him a letter of introduction & the names of 10 studios in Tucson where he will look for work. If he gets work there he will move us down in about a week & if not we may be seeing you. Before we try St. Johns again he may try Betchel though. Seems like we just live & that's about all. If he can get into a studio he has chances of working up & learning too. That photographer thought he had fair chances in Tucson.
Love, Daisy
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(postcard) Gallup, New Mexico (actually Outlaw Camp) September 30, 1941
Dear Mother,
Never have I seen so much rain. It started in the night & continued most all day Sunday. We went to Gallup to visit some Ramah people & when we got nearly to camp the draw water had made a wash about 7 feet deep. There were five cars when we pulled up. The men filled it up & then pushed the cars across. We should know in a day or two about a job & where we will be located so will let you know there. We are just sort of preparing to move & fixing up things. We certainly feasted on those vegetables you sent over. The tomatoes from St. Johns always have a special flavor. Carrie has a 10 day job a little way from here. Will see you before long.
Love to all over there, Daisy
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(postcard) Gallup, New Mexico (Outlaw) October 7, 1941
Dear Mother,
Not knowing whether you are home I decided to find out. We are still here at Outlaw. Have been waiting to hear from you, but you must have been waiting to find out our new address.
We haven't a job with Tenney's yet & may not have. They were to let us know nearly a week ago. He may go over to the works here & try to get on. Haven't heard a word from you in about two weeks so write us here. If we do move, I'll let you know.
Love, Daisy
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Outlaw Camp October 15, 1941
Dear Mother,
By this time you must be home. I wrote a card over home as I thought you must be there. It took us so long to get a job settled. We waited too long on Tenney's. Then the day that I wrote that card to St.Johns he got a guard job over in the area. That was Monday or Tuesday & he couldn't start until Friday. He goes to work at 10 at night, comes off at 6 in the morning. He sleeps until about noon. Wednesday & Thursday are his days off. Only works 5 days so he is going to go to Ramah & work on our dam assessment those two days when it isn't storming. He left at seven this morning. Maybe next Wednesday it will storm & he can't work, then he has promised to take me down there. Or it might be before.
I finally decided that Dwyn would have to have some new clothes. So I made her some pajamas, partly by hand & got to finish them on Gladys Lambson's machine. Now have her a little dress almost done but haven't even seen a machine. She only has about three print dresses that are heavy enough for now. The weather is quite cold now since this last storm we had.
We will try to get down there soon. I wonder if Jay would like us to bring some old batteries to him when we come? If he lets us know right away, we could bring some.
Hugh wrote Monday that you were in Sanders. If I had known you would be there we could have gone & gotten you & had you visit us a while. I sure would like some company while Ivan is in Ramah. Well, I am not sure when I will be down so write.
Love, Daisy
P.S. Just as well use this envelope. Ivan was going to give it to his boss to write us from Texarkana but didn't as the man disappeared when he quit work.
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