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Request Research

Please note: we don't care who does the research. If you want to post it on our updates page as something you just found, type up your search and email it to us. We need documentation so send us photos of birth certificates or give us the url to find census records, etc. If you want to do the census commentary, that's great. Or we'll do it, if you like. We'll give you credit for the find.

If you'd like to write it up as a "Walk-You-Through" other people could duplicate the search to gain confidence.

Email us to get your research started

We do very basic internet searches in census records and birth, death, marriage records, etc. anything online. Our finds will be added to all relevant ancestor pages as well as to your continuing update page. This is considered an important contribution to the group as a whole and your name will be noted as the contributor. Thanks again!

Searching internet records for you is $10 per hour. You tell us how many hours you can pay for and we do that much. This can be on a monthly basis or on a per-request basis.

Records for the years 1850 - 1930 get the best results. If you need earlier or later years you'll want someone on the spot to search local records; we can't do that - yet.

Tell us what you hope to find. We need to know as much as you know:
- the person's name, birth and death dates
- places they lived and at least approximate dates
- race, trade or profession
- parents' names, dates and places
- spouse(s)' name, dates and places
- children's names, dates and places

We'll do our best to fill in the gaps. You'll receive a report on what we found or didn't find and details of places we looked and how we went about it. You may want to duplicate what we did just for the experience. You might even teach us a thing or two.

Email what information you have and pay below:

If you want to use your Credit Card look on the left side of the next page where the little icons are.

If you have a PayPal account login on the right side of that page.

      Questions or Suggestions?  Email