| Islands of Savai'i and Upolu
Falealupo, Savaii, just 20 miles from the dateline, is the westernmost village of Samoa and arguably, the world. In the early 19th century, the island was sometimes called Pola.
Wednesday, January 1, 1936 President Sears, his wife and their Samoan family were up here last night to help us celebrate. All the visitors left this morning for Falefa Waterfall. We, Elders Tenney, Allen and I stayed behind as we were going to catch our horses and ride down to enjoy the day with the rest of the crowd. We took our time getting started looking for our horses as we thought there was plenty of time. As it all turned out we looked for our horses till nearly two o'clock.
When we finally reached Falefa the party was over and some were all ready to go home. We met some girls who gave us some oranges and told us some stories. We got what was left of the cake, ice cream etc. which was worth the trip.
One girl was baptized before church. In Mutual there was a lesson and a program. Tonu's faith played some focus.
Monday, January 27 We came over the mountain to Tiavea this morning. The village of Uafato arrived shortly afterward as they are to hold Conference together. Branch Conference was held in the afternoon. It was mostly reports and a short speech. Almost immediately after the meeting we left with the Saints for Uafato.
The sea was very rough and we took in quite a bit of water. They would ride out only a few yards, at times cutting a close corner by a rock. We went into one narrow bay where some men had cut timbers. Two of the fellows swam ashore and brought the logs out and prepared them to be towed. The fellows in the small boat accompanied.
Tuesday, January 28 We left Aito's place in Uafato for Lona in the Fagaloa Bay. Had a very rough trip and got rained on just before we got there. After bathing and cleaning up we went out to the porch and had some good chow. Semu is the missionary here, and he keeps a store. We had a conference with Fa'asiga and Muumuus also in attendance. They are villages in the Fagaloa Bay.
Wednesday, January 29 We came from Lona this morning to Ma'asina where Elder Ferrin and I administered to Aviu, the missionary there. We climbed the pass over the mountain where a view can be had of the bay and across country to Sauniatu. We arrived in Sauniatu about 1:00. President and Sister Sears came up for the Wednesday ding tomorrow. There were also a lot of people gathered from different branches who had come for the Wednesday ding. An Elders Meeting was also held in the afternoon.
Thursday, January 30 Niu and Folole were married this morning in the Sauniatu church house at a little after 10:00 am. At twelve noon a Samoan feast was given in the schoolhouse in honor of the newlyweds. There were over 300 people present at the feast. The day was spent in dancing from house to house by the Samoans. In the evening a dance was held in the School House that lasted till 12:00.
Friday, January 31 We, Elder Tenney, Allen and I, came down to Pesega in the old Dodge. Arona from Tutuila came to Upolu on the last boat and when I met him it seemed like meeting someone from home. Ua i'u le ta'amilosaga muamua i Upolu. Sa lelei mea uma.
Lila baptised
Saniatu Chapel
The Samoan feast
Saturday, February 1 I worked on Sunday School reports most of today. In the evening the rest of the family went to the show. I stayed home, doctored my face, and went to bed.
Sunday, February 2 I attended the usual three meetings in Pesega today. A very good Fast Meeting was held. Some of the Saints had been holding grudges and they all forgave each other's faults and made things all right. We had planned to start school in Pesega but after a talk with Iulai Ah Mu it was decided that we would give up the idea.
Monday, February 3 Worked hard all day and finally finished the Sunday School Reports, I also made some statistical reports. And entered some births, baptisms, and so on into the books. We all went to town in the evening to get more ice cream, but were unsuccessful.
Tuesday, February 4 Pres. Sears came in this morning while I was dressing and told me that I was to be transferred to Sauniatu. I accordingly packed up and caught the 3:00 bus. I rode to Saluafata where I walked uphill to Sauniatu in the rain.
When I was coming in to Siumu -- back to Sunday, January 19, 1936 - there is a story that needs telling. When I first came into the village of Siumu, I saw that the Faifeu's house was flattened. It was taken down by the hurricane. As it was coming down the father was desperately looking for and counting noses, as he had several children. He was missing a nine-year-old boy. As he was digging in the rubble he found him underneath the big beam that crossed the house. His head was flat underneath the beam. The father got a pry with something and got him out. His head was crushed and he was breathing. Good, the father thought, as he sought another to help with his anointing. He found another to help after a bit. They first molded his head to shape. They gave him a blessing that he would live.
The second day after they gave him the blessing I came upon him, his head still had the bandage on it. He was running and playing with the others. I went down to him and asked him how he felt. He said, 'Fine.' I asked him if his head hurt and he said, 'No'. I quizzed him about his running around, and he said, 'O'u te le vaivai' and he looked it. I saw him again about a year later at conference and he looked ok to me. The blessings from the Lord are wonderful to me.
Wednesday, February 5 I told Misi Aleni I had got licked out and he almost believed it. I took a horse down to the coast this morning and waited for President. Sears. After dinner we worked on the Losa's house. President Sears and Elder Tenney went back down the coast.
Boy in center has big pad tied to his face. Ruins of their house lie behind the family.
After the hurricane there is no path.
Thursday, February 6 We worked on the house most of the day, on the lattice, and putting in some shelves. I spent the evening writing letters.
Friday, February 7 We finished up the house today and laid out and marked off for another. After dinner we carried poles across the river and put them up for the house. We finally called the Siliva and put the roof on the poles. It was almost too heavy and just about fell down two or three times. I wrote more letters in the evening.
Saturday, February 8 Elders Tenney and Allen went to Apia in the morning and came back with President Sears. I stayed home and studied. In the evening President Sears and I went up to the church and listened to singing practice.
Sunday, February 9 Usual proceedings. I spoke.
Monday, February 10 After breakfast Simi and I went up to the old rubber plant in the Solaua plantation to tear it down to get the tin and what few boards there were. The dryer proper was a building with a high square dryer on one end and a small shed on the ether end. I climbed up on the tall end and began to tear off the tin. Some of the rafters broke and the house jiggled. All in all it was quite ticklish. In the afternoon the boys came up and carried the tin down to Sauniatu. We went down to the river to bathe and when we had cleaned up a bit we all went over to the Losa's and had supper.
Tuesday, February 11 Elder Tenney and I went up early to the plantation and found a cow. Simi and I went back up to the Solaua buildings and continued work. In the afternoon Elders Tenney and Allen came up with the boys and we tore the tin and the boys carried it off. Elder Ferrin came up from Pesega this afternoon. He will be here a few days.
Wednesday, February 12 We went up to the building to finish up. That is Misi Mafi and I. Came back and studied for a while. After school was out we went up to the plantation and drove in a small herd of cows preparatory to branding. In the evening we spent time visiting and in study.
Wednesday, February 19 School again this morning. We went down and marked off and figured out the new bridge this afternoon. Elder Allen left this morning.
Elder Tenney at work.
Thursday, February 20 Taught school today. Elder Tenney and I went to Apia.
Friday, February 21 We did some business in town, purchasing supplies. In the afternoon we caught the 3:00 bus and came to Sauniatu.
Saturday, February 22 We went up to the plantation to kill a cow. Simi shot at a cow and killed a calf. After some trouble we also got the cow. Spent the afternoon in putting pictures in an album. Had supper at the Losa's
Sunday, February 23 Rained as per usual. The usual meetings held.
Monday, February 24 Held school in the morning. We put up the form for the pillar on this side of the river today. This is the first actual work toward building this bridge.
Tuesday, February 25 Taught school in the morning. We poured cement in the form today.
Wednesday, February 26 The usual school was held. In the afternoon we lined up the pillar on the other side of the river. It took quite a while to level up one pillar from the other.
Thursday, February 27 More school today. Afterward, in the afternoon we poured the cement into the forms.
Friday, February 28 Elder Tenney went to Apia on business. I stayed home and figured out my board bill and accounts. I also did some studying.
Saturday, February 29 I also wrote in my diary on this day of the month of March. I continued to straighten up board, school funds and school book account. Elder Tenney returned from Apia this afternoon.
Sunday, March 1 Due to the sickness here in the village only two meetings were held. The Au Alofa paid us a visit. Elder Tenney and I visited each home in Sauniatu to see how everything and everyone was doing.
Monday, March 2 We decided not to have school today on account of the sickness. Instead Elder Tenney and I straightened up the tin roofing from the Salaua building. We also went over the river and looked at the cement pillar. It has sunk about three inches on one end and about one inch on the other. We nailed on some more boards and proceeded to mix some more cement and straighten and level up the pillar.
Tuesday, March 3 Today we releveled and rechecked the pillars. Put up the forms for the base of the center pillar of the bridge. Two carpenters, Siaosi Schuster and one of his sons from Apia were here and helped put in the form. They will help finish the bridge for a cow.
Wednesday, March 4 School was held this morning as the sickness is loosening up. After school we went up the river and got a lot of stones and carried them to the bridge for use in the cement. They got pretty heavy before we got them all carried down.
Thursday, March 5 More school was held today. We mixed and put in the cement for the base of the center pillar this afternoon.
Pouring pillars for the bridge.
Friday, March 6 Misi Teni and Si'u went to Apia on business this morning. I stayed home and studied.
Saturday, March 7 I did a little studying in the morning. I also played the old guitar and made some chord charts for it and the banjo.
I was going up the river to tie up the calf when I met Iva and Fai'itua on the bridge. They were ready to take a bath in the river. I had gotten about fifteen yards past, toward the banana patch when I when I heard them laughing and yelling. I looked bask to see them wrestling on the on the log footbridge. One got the best and they started to fall into the river. That was as they had intended, but instead of falling into the water one girl hung on and it whirled them around to the end of the bridge. They fell off into the edge of the river but one girl's head hit the rock and she would have been killed were she not lucky as her head was on the other girl's arm, which was badly damaged.
I saw Fa'itua go under the water and come up downstream. I ran back as fast as I could, thinking that she had been either killed or knocked out and would in either event be washed over the falls a little way down if I did not catch her. Before I reached Iva, however Fa'itua had stood up in the river and began washing the blood from her forehead. I then stopped to see what had happened to Iva. She was standing where she had fallen, holding her arm and crying. I helped them out of the river, and we all went to the house where we fixed up their bruises.
Sunday, March 8 It rained as usual today. The usual meetings were held.
Monday, March 9 Taupaolo came over in the morning and wondered if we could help them build a cookhouse. We had a little discussion and decided we could. First we went over the river with a couple of girls to look for poles. Eventually we found some and carried them back. Then we dug postholes and squared them up with our framework. We worked on them till in the mid afternoon. In the evening I had a group of girls come over for tryouts on the accordion.
March 10 We spent the greater part of the day finishing up the Losa's cookhouse. I had the girls over again for tryouts on guitar, banjo, etc
March 11 We put in the morning studying. Shod the horses in the afternoon.
March 12 Fiti and I went to Eva. I missed the first bus and so had to wait till the 3:00 bus. Spent the rest of the day getting ready to come back.
March 17 I went to Apia with President Sears and we finished all necessary business. Falane drove the truck to Sauniatu. I rode with him. President. Sears came up to Salauafata on the bus and the rest of the way in the truck.
March 14 President Sears went back to Pesega in the morning. Elder Tenney also went somewhere down the coast. The 'other little pig stayed home.'
March 15 Three meetings in Sauniatu. March 16, 1936. Misi Teni and I drove down some cows. We rode around in the plantation all day. We also found a milk cow and killed one povi.
March 17 The Relief Society Day in Sauniatu for all Upolu District. The fesilafaiga was held at 2:00 in the schoolhouse. Immediately afterward the Relief Society Meeting was held in the church house and the Priesthood Meeting was in the schoolhouse. Afterward 13 baptisms were performed by Elder Pace. In the evening a meeting was held in the church house where all were in attendance. A sort of conjoint program was held for the whole district.
March 18 A lot of work was done today by the district people. Two schoolhouses were moved and set up in a different place. The Relief Society carried sand and rocks for the bridge. To'tele Skipps hauled up the lumber for the bridge on his truck. A big dance was held in the evening. It was a great success.
March 19 We all carried rocks, nearly all day to fill up the big hole between the church house and schoolhouse. I jumped a hedge yesterday and tore the inside of my foot up besides turning my ankle and so am not very spry today.
Another dance was held in the evening which I did not attend. Of course it was a very good one, also.
March 20 Everyone strung out for home today. Elder Tenney also went to Apia. I stayed and nursed my sore foot.
March 21 I had the girls come over this morning and got them started off on their orchestra. Elder Tenney came back. We did some studying and preparing for Sunday.
Sunday, March 22 The three usual meetings were held today. After church I started the girls off on some more music. I attended the ladies class in Mutual and we had a good lesson in the Book of Mormon.
March 23 School was held this morning. Afterward we tried to find some music to study for conference.
March 24 More school today. More orchestra practice in the afternoon, also in the evening.
March 25 Held school again. Held a fono in the afternoon and decided to let the village on a vacation next week to get the means to go to conference.
March 26 After school today Elder Tenney and I went to Pesega. We met Elder Wyberg from the Tonga Mission who had with him a young fellow, Rudy Wolfgram who is going to school at the BYU.
March 27 We went to Apia today and made the necessary purchases necessary to take to Sauniatu. We had a very good visit in the evening with our visitors. Elder Ferrin who has been in Savai'i returned this evening.
March 28 We did some business in town and came to Sauniatu on the 11:00 bus. I did some more work with the orchestra in the afternoon and evening.
Sunday, March 29 Held the usual meetings. Elder Tenney and I went down to Palelei's for dinner. Had a very good visit. He is not a Mormon, but is a very good man and should be. The day was quite hot but the night was very cool, for Samoa.
Monday, March 30 Held singing practice instead of school. Everything is being directed towards the June Conference. So we had some more orchestra practice.
March 31 School singing practice was held this morning. President Reuben Wyberg and Rudy Wolfgram are visiting here, still. There was a fiafia for them at the Losa's in the evening. We all had a laughing good time.
Wednesday April 1 April fool! As Lausi'i says "The fool's day of April." Singing practice and orchestra practice and all the other practices, we had today, just to fool them.
April 2 Had some more singing practice in the morning. Our visitors left today. I spent the afternoon and evening with the orchestra. Also figured out the board bill.
April 3 Spent most of the forenoon straightening up bills. Elder Tenney returned from Apia this afternoon. We straitened up our back rooms, and got them so they looked a little better. Wrote letters till 11:00.
April 4 Just did some more work around the house and studied.
April 5 Fast day. Conjoint meeting was held in the evening. I had to play, as usual. The boys had some sugar cane out by the monument. I helped them eat it.
April 6 School had singing practice this morning. Faleupolu and Asonei ran away. Misi Teni got them and brought them back and straightened them up. Faleupolu left again with Asonei to go to Asonei's family. The carpenter's from Apia arrived today. We put up the middle form for the cement pillar of the bridge.
April 7 More singing practice for the school. We mixed cement and poured it in the middle form this afternoon. In the afternoon I helped Pepe, she and Siuta with the accordion.
Elders Tenney and Watson - monument to Pres. McKay
April 8 The school held the usual practice this morning. I caught the 11:00 bus for Apia; as soon as I reached there I did some business before going on out to Pesega. We had some ice cream and cake in the evening. Boy, did it taste good.
April 9 I arose at 2:00 in the morning. I roused Elder Ferrin and we wound up the old truck to come to Sauniatu. We had quite a bit of running around to do to get one of the carpenter's sons, etc., so it was about 4 when we left Apia. We arrived with our load of lumber at about 6:00. After breakfast I went up and held the school practice. We worked around doing odd jobs the rest of the day. President Sears came up in the late afternoon.
April 10 We arose at 6:00 this morning and started work on the bridge. The school boys helped us lift the stringers in place. It was a lot of work as it had to be done by man power alone with the aid of ropes. After we got the stringers up we had breakfast. Afterward, in fact the remainder of the day, was spent nailing on the floor of the bridge.
April 11 Elder Tenney went to Apia as also did President Sears. I spent some more time on the orchestra. Rained all day.
Sunday, April 12 Only two meetings on account of so much rain. It looks as if it would give the bridge a try. In the evening Simi's family had a "bust-up." Luaga and Fai'iluga came to our place and wanted to sleep, as they were afraid of Simi. They slept in my room and Elder Ferrin and I slept in Elder Tenney's room. Simi stayed up all night wandering around. He wanted his wife to use her sense and come home before morning and all the neighbors put it on "him." His wife and her sister were under the bed when we went in to ask her if she wanted to go home. She emphatically said that she did not, so we left them.
We figured out the "toniga a le Pepe Auro" or uniforms for the girls' orchestra. They are to have light blue dresses, with short sleeves faced with white, with a sort of black vest trimmed in red. They have white caps.
April 13 School had more of the same thing. Elder Tenney came back from Apia. We went up to the plantation to look for a cow for the Carpenters. In the evening we held a meeting with the teachers about the school and program.
April 14 School singing practice in the afternoon. It being church work day, we carried large rocks from across the river for the "tau'uga" of the bridge. Falane came up in the evening and brought our mail, which we happily read.
April 15 More singing in school. We carried out the same old work, orchestra work, study, play, etc. Elder Ferrin went back to Pesega, after his short visit here.
April 16 School singing practice. Usual business and work was carried on same as past days.
April 17 President Sears came up with Falane in the truck and brought our packages. Tapu was called in, asked about some of his actions. He didn't do so well.
A farewell was held for Si'u at the Silivas. He was the boys' leader but he is leaving because of some trouble between him and Faleupolu. We also had supper and prayer at the Siliva's. President Sears, Falane, and Si'u left. Elder Tenney and I spent the evening figuring out some things for the program. He had a song practice for the boys while I had orchestra practice for the girls.
Sunday, April 19 The three usual meetings were held. The girls orchestra played in Mutual. They did pretty good. Faleolo, Fatei'a, Misi Teni and I had a fono. Afterwards some good food, palusami, pig, and talo.
April 20 Elder Tenney had a singing practice from 5:00 to 6 for the boys in the morning. The school had a singing practice for two more hours, making it a little after 8:00 when school let out. I made a harmonica holder.
April 21 We wound up the trouble between Ioelu and Fa'atoa; they will both leave the village. We fixed the door to the cook room.
April 22 We held more orchestra and glee practice today. Elder Tenny and I tried out some harmony on our harmonicas today to see what the possibilities might be for the girls doing a little funny stuff on their harmonicas.
April 23 The time today was used by the school getting ready for their vacation to prepare for conference. Early in the evening a meeting was held in the church house for the school before they leave. I gave a short talk. Elder Tenney and I were invited to the Losa's where we had supper.
April 24 The school left for their vacation this morning. Elder Tenney and I went to Pesega. We missed all the buses till a late one came along. We arrived about 6:30. We retired early after a short visit with Brother and Sister Sears and Elder Ferrin.
April 26 We all went down to the Anzac Celebration. We sat just behind the Governor. The purpose of the day is a remembrance of those who fought in the war. President Sears gave the lesson of the day. He was listened to very well. After we went home I spent most of the remainder of the day typing the Historical (Mission) Report. Played a little tennis in the afternoon. We all went to the show in the evening. Rotten as usual.
Sunday, April 26 Elder Ferrin went down to Malie early this morning to hold Sunday School and Church. Elder Ferrin took charge of Sunday School and also spoke. I took charge of Church and we both spoke. We returned to Pesega in time for Mutual. I attended the Bee Hive class as a visitor.
April 27 I went downtown this morning and made some purchases. I spent the big part of the day making out and typing on the Mission Historical Report. In the evening we all went upstairs and listened to the radio and visited till bedtime.
April 28 We did some business in town had caught the 11:00 bus for Sauniatu. We found Elder Pace there. He had come in from Malaela. In the afternoon I worked over the accordion and shined Misi Teni's clarinet.
April 29 Elder Pace left for Pesega this morning. Elder Tenney and I arose early and went for a duck hunt this morning. We walked over the whole place and ended up with only one duck. We came back and had breakfast. Afterward we painted on the bridge for awhile. In the evening we went with Faleolo up to Fateia's and had the duck.
April 30 In the morning Elder Tenney soldered horns for the band. I put in my time figuring the board bill. Elder Pace came back from Pesega. We all went over to Faleolo for prayer and supper. After we came back we stuck pictures in Elder Tenney's album and talked and visited till late.
Friday, May 1 Elder Pace left for Malaela this morning. Elder Tenney and I went over and did some painting in the Losa's house. While we were there Taupaolo and Fa'atoa came back. Ema and Alisa were with them .
Taupaolo had a little pig wrapped like a baby and succeeded in fooling all of us, especially Togia'i, her husband. She gave it to him to hold; after he had cuddled it and said how hot it was, he discovered it was a pig, and did we all have a laugh. As he unwrapped it where it could see daylight it squealed and wriggled away from him and ran across the floor, and the old man who was partially blind rose up and started after it. We all went over to Malopito's for supper. We wrote some letters afterward.
May 2 I went to Apia on the 6:00 bus this morning. Did some business in town this morning, then went on out to Pesega. The Relief Society gave a dinner for the wives of chairmen in the afternoon. We all attended.
Sunday, May 3 Early this morning I was taken out to Lauli'i by Elder Ferrin. Brother and Sister Sears went along. I was welcomed by Leato ma Mele, Lausi'i parents who are also the missionaries there. I attended Sunday School there. In the afternoon I conducted and also spoke. After church we all had dinner as it was Fast Sunday. A fellow gave me a speech that I couldn't answer but made a try. In the evening Leato and I went for a stroll down to the new cement bridge and back. I stayed all night at their place.
May 4 I caught the first bus for Sauniatu after some good fish and Vaisalu for breakfast. When I got there Elder Tenney had just arrived back at Sauniatu from Fagaloa where he had spent the weekend. We went out to the Losa's home and painted some more on it. We had supper at Simi's with the sister of Vao vai.
May 5 Elder Tenney and I spent the big part of the morning finishing painting on the Losa's house. In the afternoon we spent painting on the drums and the harmonica holders, etc.
May 6 Elder Tenney and I worked out a plan for a scroll for the school. I spent a lot of the day drawing a small plan for it. In the evening Elder Tenney and I went up to Fatei'as for prayer.
May 7 We went to the plantation and got a cow for Manunu. Elder Enos came in from Malaela today. He says that Lafai is dead. President Sears and wife and Mr. Schauffhause came up to look over the bridge. They said it was okay. We also went up to the schoolhouse and took some pictures. They did not stay long but took Elder Enos back with them as he has the toothache.
May 8 Elder Tenney and I went hunting in the early morning. We walked all over the whole plantation and never got a thing. We climbed the hill south of the plantation and took some pictures of the place. I caught the 3:00 bus and went to Pesega.
May 9 I spent the morning in Pesega doing business. Came to Sauniatu on the 3:00 bus. There were a lot of people coming up to Manunu for the wedding. We had supper at home, for a change tonight.
May 10 Only two meetings were held today. It sure is dead with the school gone. Elder Tenney and I had some practice on his clarinet and my guitar.
Monday May 11 We went up to the plantation and chased down some cows. Elder Enos came up and brought our mail up to us. I received some mail from home. Also a letter and a picture from Daisy.
May 12 We went up and worked on the Losa's house till 3:00. We carried down the poles and dug the holes and leveled up the place (tops). We went back to the house and after dinner we began painting on the banner for the school. We had prayer and supper at Fateia's.
May 13 Painted on the banner most of the morning. We held a fono in the evening about the visit of Mapusaga and Vaiola here after Conference. Elder Tenney and I went up and administered to Tapu's baby.
May 14 We did some more painting on the banner. In the evening we went up to Pulusi's to have supper for Pisimata's birthday.
May 15 Painted on the banner and about finished it in the morning. We finished it up in the evening.
May 16 We did some painting on the drums. The school returned from their vacation. We went to the Siliva's and had dinner. President Sears came up. There was a dance and a social held in the schoolhouse.
May 17 Three excellent meetings were held today. President Sears gave the saints some very good instruction in church. A program was held in Mutual that was quite good. Elder Tenney and I played "Ramona" on his clarinet and my guitar.
May 18 The school had some singing practice in the morning. President Sears and Elder Tenney went to Apia today. I fixed up some boards to paint the sign on. We played basketball in the evening.
May 19 Elder Tenney came back from Apia at 1:00. We put in the afternoon cleaning up the house and the evening in study.
May 20 Tapu's baby died last night. We went to their family and visited for a while. A woman and a pretty girl were up from below. The funeral was held at 2:00. I conducted and Elders Tenney and Togia'i spoke. The burial took place immediately after.
May 21 We painted a sign for the bridge and put it up in the morning. The village is being filled with people who are coming in for the fiafia tonight. It came off as per schedule and it was quite an affair. There were a lot of people there and a very good time was had by everyone. They served lunch out in one of the other schoolhouses.
May 22 Elders Enos and Tenney left for Siumu and Tafatafa this morning. I worked around the house and studied most of the day.
May 23 I spent the morning in study. I had the girls in this to practice their orchestra in the afternoon. Elder Merrill was up with Ala'iava. We had a get together tonight. Sunday May 24 Only two meetings were held on account of rain. Elder Merrill spoke in
Church. The orchestra had some more practice this afternoon.
May 25 Singing practice was held for 8:00 to 11:00 this morning. Elder Tenney returned from Siumu just in time to say good-by to Elder Merrill and I. We went to Apia on the 3:00 bus. Olivia Ah Mu, Percy and a couple of young fellows came in and had some good music.
May 26 President Sears, Elder Merrill, Falane and I came to Sauniatu in the old truck today. Elder Tenney, President Sears and I had a talk which ended up in the calling of Tapu. After a short talk he was told that he could take a rest out of the village. Had harmonica band practice in the evening, for girls.
May 27 Singing practice was held in the schoolhouse this morning. Did some studying in the afternoon. Practice was held both for the instruments as well as the harmonicas.
May 28 Singing practice was again held in school this morning. Held orchestra and all other practices this afternoon. |
The bridge Elder Tenney designed
Sauniatu LDS Band
Sauniatu Band
May 29 Elders Tenney, Merrill and I went up to the plantation and brought in some of the horses to remodel. We studied in the evening. Elder Enos came in late from Malaela. May 30 Today is McKay Day! President and Sister Sears and Elder Ferrin and Samoan came up to celebrate. At 11:00 a feast was held in the center Samoan house. Afterward a few games, races, etc. were indulged in. We, Elders Tenney, Ferrin, Enos, Merrill and I had a "tug of war" with 5 boys of the Siliva. They won after a struggle and a trick. A big dance and entertainment was held in the schoolhouse in the evening.
Sunday, May 31 Two very good meetings were held today. The river was up on account of rain. We wrote letters in the evening.
June 1 Elders Enos and Merrill left for Malaela this morning. President Sears and party returned to Apia this morning. Singing practice was held for the school. Orchestra practice was held both in the afternoon and evening.
June 2 Singing, orchestra and all other practices were held today.
June 3 More of the song. The orchestra is getting pretty good. In the evening I tried to build some "Punkin pies" out of squash.
June 4 Singing practice. I did my bit on the organ. Falane came up from Pesega. We had a fono about Conference in the evening.
June 5 Elder Tenney went to Apia. I practiced the orchestra and painted them some capes
of oilcloth. I also read The Improvement Eras and everything I could think of.
June 6 I painted a sign for the Losa this morning. In the evening I called in the officers and teachers of the Sunday School and we checked up on the exam that we will give in the morning. I made out some questions with Faleolo's help for my class.
Sunday June 7 Three excellent meetings were held today. The Sunday School was given exams in each class. It turned out pretty good. Almost couldn't have Mutual on account of a light.
June 8 Singing practice in the morning. Elder Enos came in from Malaela. Elder Tenney came back from Pesega. He brought the mail. Elder Tenney held a singing practice for the girls in the evening.
Fiti and friend David O. McKay monument
Fiti and Ivan
June 9 Some more singing practice held. Elder Enos went to Pesega. Today was village workday. Elder Tenney and I painted his name and address on his new trunk.
In the evening we gave the Siliva their uniforms for conference.
June 10 Held singing practice. Some of the boys were dissatisfied with their uniforms. We painted Elder Tenney's other trunk. We went to Palelei's for supper.
June 11 Elder Tenney took a cow to Apia for a Mr. Greenwood of B.P. I helped Taupaolo do some cooking for the Losa. We stuffed a duck and I made some pies. Elder Tenney returned at 5:00 in time for a farewell supper at the Losa. We all went up to the schoolhouse and had a dance.
June 12 Elder Tenney turned over the village to Elder Enos. The Silvia had their farewell for Elder Tenney in the schoolhouse tonight.
June 13 Elder Enos went to Apia where he met President Waddoups, our new Mission President. Most of today was spent in preparation for Elder Tenney's journey. Simi gave Elder Tenney a dinner in the afternoon. He had a social in the schoolhouse.
June 14 Three meetings were held today. They were Elder Tenney's last here. He gave the village a very good speech as a farewell.
June 15 Elders Tenney, Enos and I went up in the lease this morning and drove out some cows. It is certainly a boggy mess. We returned after noon, bathed and cleaned up. About 5:00 we all went down to Satiu's place for dinner. It is quite an extraordinary Samoan house of the two-story type. There was a white man there on a vacation from Apia. We had quite a visit. His daughters were also there.
About sundown we all had dinner out in their small house back of the other one. It was very good as we had mashed yam, roast chicken, roast pig, watercress, besides desserts, etc. We stayed a little after dark and then went back up to Sauniatu.
June 16 President and Sister Waddoups visited Sauniatu today. We were fooled several times today on the time of their arrival as the truck had a flat tire and they walked the last couple of miles. When they arrived they were met by the band, school, and village at the beginning of the street in front of the Elders home. After they had rested for a few minutes we went over to the Losa's house and had an 'ava ceremony. President Waddoups answered their speech. Everyone was surprised, including us.
When the 'ava was over there was a big feast up in the schoolhouse. The afternoon was spent in visiting. In the evening there was a big "fiafia" in the schoolhouse in which everyone took part. It was the best one I have been to in Samoa. It was a farewell for Misi Teni and a welcome for President and Sister Waddoups.
June 17 We all packed up Misi Teni's things and he bid a plucky farewell to the village and we all walked down to the road to Eva. There we administered to a sick boy. We all went on to Pesega some in the Essex, some in the truck and some of us caught the bus. Elder Enos stayed in Sauniatu to kill 40 cows for Falefa.
June 18 We all studied, read, and otherwise occupied ourselves until 2:00. President Sears got excused from the hospital to hold an Elders meeting. President Waddoups was also present. A very good meeting was also held. The mission was turned over to President Waddoups. Elder Tenney, President and Sister Sears were given their releases. Everyone bore their testimonies and listened to instructions.
Farewell at the bridge.
June 19 Some of us went shopping in Apia this morning. A meeting was held in the afternoon to explain genealogy. We also had a little tennis in the late afternoon. We listened to the radio in the evening.
June 20 Elder Enos and I loaded the cow box on the old truck and started for Sauniatu after breakfast. We met a bus on a small hill and when he went to put the truck by after there was enough room and we about wrecked down the hill as he accidentally put it in reverse. Anyway, when we got to Fusi I walked on up to Sauniatu. We had supper and prayer at Faleolo's aiga of the Siliva.
June 21 We held the usual three meetings today.
June 22 Elder Enos left for Apia this morning with a povi. I stayed behind in Sauniatu and caught up on some work that was behind.
June 23 and 24 I was in Sauniatu doing some work on my books, also some work around the house.
June 25 I caught the 6:00 bus for Apia and arrived in Pesega just in time for morning prayer. Elder Pace and Merrill left for a trip around the island this morning. We played a little tennis in the afternoon and listened to the radio in the evening.
June 26 Elder Enos and I came back to Sauniatu today in the old truck. We brought up a cow. In the afternoon we went up to the plantation and found a cow to kill. We came back down to the house and got some Lysol and doctored the old cow that we brought up.
June 27 The morning was spent in study in preparation for tomorrow. We received an invitation down to Palelei's place to a farewell supper for his son Mani who is going to Fiji to school. It was a very good visit. We got back at 11:00.
June 28 After Sunday School Elder Despain came up in the old truck with Fili, Pate and Tipa from Savai'i, also Ana came up from Pesega. The Vaiola visitors spoke in the afternoon meeting. Before Mutual was out we missed Taneilu and so I went looking for him. He has done some dirty work and it was necessary to keep track of him. He never had his chance to do anything as Fili and the boys from Vaiola came down to the house.
June 29 Elder Despain and his party left for Pesega. We had school today. It went over pretty good considering the fact that we were short of teachers and students. I only had four today. We held a fono in the evening which is a court for punishing the students for their various misdemeanors.
June 30 School was held again today. Today was also village workday. I worked on our gas light and got it to burn. Elder Enos and I administered to Si'isi'i's baby in the late afternoon.
July 1 More school today. I taught Misi Enos' class in addition to mine as he was up in the plantation. I spent the afternoon in teaching the girls orchestra.
July 2 School was also held today. Elder Enos and I went up to the plantation to get a milk cow for Palelei. We found and caught one but she was way too wild so we turned her loose. We found another with twins. She was okay.
July 3 We went up to the plantation again in the morning, got some more cows for Ao of
Vailele. After we came back we played baseball and searched for tools.
July 4 I caught the 6:00 bus for Pesega. I straightened up some business including paying off B.P. In the evening we all went to the show. It was "White Scandals."
July 5 I attended all meetings in Pesega today. Elder Bandley and Gambles arrived from Tutuila today just before church. We all had a big get together in the evening. Seems like Tutuila is all over here now.
July 6 Elder Bandley and I came up to Sauniatu today. We brought up the mail from America and Elder Enos had some candy. So we all ate till we got the bellyache.
July 7 Taught more school today. Today was also village workday. I spent my time painting signs for the village.
July 8 Elders Bandley and Enos went to Pesega today. They took Tuga with them to the hospital. I stayed in Sauniatu and taught school. I had orchestra practice in the evening.
July 9 I just stuck around today and studied and did a few odd jobs around the house.
August 2 Three good meetings were held today, as today was Fast Sunday. There was also a good conjoint meeting in the evening. The girls' orchestra played. I guess it's the last I'll hear from them. I finished packing up in the evening in readiness to go to Apia in the morning.
August 3 Elders Gambles Pace and I came to Fusi where we waited for the bus while it rained. Eventually the bus arrived and we went to Pesega. When we got there the mail from America was waiting so we proceeded to read it.
August 4 In the morning we went to Apia and did some shopping. The rest of the day was spent in reading, study, etc.
August 5 We were getting ready to go to Apia shopping when we got word that the Magia (a small kerosene boat) was in. We were sailing for Savai'i at 10:00 so we hurriedly prepared to go. Elder Pace and I caught the boat and sailed for Savai'i arriving at Salelologa at about 3:00. We were put off in the small dingy. With Malopito, Elder Pace and I walked to Eva where we met Elders Bandley and Allen who were starting a trip giving school exams.
August 6 Elder Allen and Pace left early this morning on their trip. Elder Bandley and I rode to Faga in Nuti Ah Mu's car and stayed at Mr. J.Douglas' place, till we got our horses and went to Vaiola. It is quite a place; it is about three miles
inland. It is just south of an extended crater, built in an open oval, having the church house in the center. The Elders have a bungalow type house and it is a good one.
August 7 Today was spent in study, reading, etc. Misi Panalei's boils are sure going strong. We looked around Vaiola today. It's quite a small place, but neat.
August 8 Most of today was also spent studying and reading as well as the next few days because of Misi Panalei's boils, the rain and the fast that we need to catch up on my study. We received a message from Saipi'ipi saying that the missionary has gone to Fagamalo and wished that someone would go down for Sunday. Accordingly I went down to catch a horse but by the time we had caught him it was too late to go.
August 9 I went to Tapueleele for Sunday School and Church. It was my first visit there. The meetings were fairly good. Elder Bandley was not able to go on account of his sore leg. The reason no meetings were held here is that the school is on vacation and there is not enough here to hold a meeting. After I came back from Tapueleele I cooked some dinner which Misi Panalei and I ate.
Elders at Vaiola
Village of Vaiola
August 10 Misi Panalei stayed home and nursed his leg while I got on the Dun horse and went to Faga for supplies. After I returned in the early afternoon some people came up from Saipi'ipi. One man named Su'a asked what the reason was that no one had come down for Sunday. There were also four women who wanted to buy Bibles. They got one and then they all left.
August 11 We just sat around and studied today. Also administered to Si'u of Tapueleele this afternoon.
August 11 We went down and pruned in the cocoa plantation this morning. After we came back we hired 2 kids to bring us some wood. They did pretty good but I think that they stole it. All the extra time we spent cooking. I am a making a small dictionary so I spent some time on it in the evening.
Carrying Wood
August 13 We again went down and pruned cocoa. The sun was hot and we became thirsty so I went in search of some young coconuts in the plantation. I had climbed a small "Niu" was industriously pulling down coconuts when I heard some one calling "Misi Evana, Misi Evana e, so I dropped down and sat in the high vines. After he had gone by I put the nuts in a place where I could get them at some other time and then shouted and asked To'ala what he wanted. He said there were some Papalagi's up to the house and we went up.
There were three fellows standing there. One a tall, slim scientist, a red faced, long necked botanist, and a heavily clad old planter, from Upolu. They were all draped over the porch, where they had been eating. We became acquainted and they told us they wanted to go into the bush and test the soil and a few things like that. Anyway To'ala took us up through the jungle about half a mile where they made samples and we came back, after which they made their departure. We read and studied in the evening.
August 14 This morning we went down and pruned some more cocoa. Came back to the house and found that some of the cows had gotten out of the pasture so we went and chased them in and fixed the fence. Elder Pace came down where we were working. As he had returned from the Malaga we had a lot to gab about. Elder Allen returned late in the afternoon. We studied in the evening.
August 15 In the morning Elder Bandley and I climbed the crater and looked around. It is a deep tree- and vine-filled gorge. In the very bottom there is a banana patch. The vines are really big enough to swing and play Tarzan on. We did some studying and preparing for Sunday after we came back from the climb.
August 16 Elder Bandley and I went over to Tapueleele in the morning for Sunday School. Afterward we went out to Fuga's for breakfast. We had some very good wild pig, Palusami, taro etc. It was a very good Sunday morning meal. We went back over to Vaiola in preference to staying there 'til church. We walked back over there for the meeting; we both did fairly well with our speeches. We did not stay for another meal but came back to Vaiola where we read and studied during the evening.
August 17 We didn't do much of importance today. Elder Bandley went to Faga for some business. I stayed home and cleaned up the place a bit. Of course we are cooking our own meals and taking the consequences. In the evening we read and did some of the usual study.
August 18 We spent today around the house fixing it up in a few of the broken down places. I put in a big share of the day working on an organ for Tapueleele. I cleaned the reeds and found that I could tune them by the use of a file. It sounded pretty good when I got through with it. In the evening we put in a few hours study, as usual.
August 19 The rain was so bad that we stayed around the house again today. I didn't waste my time, however, as I am working on a small Samoan dictionary for my own use.
August 20 We went down to the pasture and caught the dun horse for Misi Panalei this morning, He decided not go. We went down to the plantation and pruned cocoa till late in the afternoon. Did the study in the evening.
August 21 I washed dishes this morning while Misi Panalei went down to the coast for supplies. Yesterday it took so long to catch the horse that I decided to give him a few lessons in manners. I started him out with the rope and said, "Come here," and gave him a little tug on the rope. I got closer and said, "Come here," and made him come to me. I finally made him come without the rope. (Just laying on the ground.) I finally took the rope off him and called, "Come here." Well, this is where I found out that he understood me and just didn't come. Well I reached down onto the ground like I was picking up a rock and he nearly ran over me.
When I was sure that he understood, then I took him to the pasture (only a couple of acres, which contained two older horses) and repeated the procedure. It was the
Simi and Horse
same old thing, he would come as long as I had the rope on him, and as soon as I took off the rope he wouldn't come. By this time the other horses came out of curiosity. When the other horses came within range, the dun finally broke and ran the other two off and then came to me.
Well, this was not enough. I went back to the house and got some bananas and went back and hollered, "Come here." Well, I got all three. He'd be a pretty good horse it they would treat him right. Today I gave him another lesson in horse manners. He's catching on pretty good, though he is very stubborn. Did some more studying in the evening.
August 22 We went through our back rooms today and cleaned them out. They were a dirty mess, we also got out and cleaned the yard, Fa'a Samoa, that is cleaned it. We had some discussions on gospel subjects this evening as well as studying.
August 23 Sunday School and Church at Tapueleele today. We had a fairly good day in spite of the rain.
August 24 I spent most of the day translating and copying "Genealogy-Partner of Temple Work" by A. F. Bennett to use as a leaflet on paper in my work. It is a very good article for the Samoans.
August 25 Misi Panaei and I worked on the water pipe to the house this morning, digging it up and cleaning it out. It is stuffed with red lead so tight that we can hardly get any water from it. We got it cleaned out down to the house this afternoon and got it put back together again between showers. In the evening I wrote some good things I found in my I.P. Book.
August 26 We went down to the cocoa plantation just as soon as we got our breakfast dishes washed this morning. We pruned till about 1:00 when I mistook my finger for a branch and almost didn't spoil it. Anyway, I took it to the house and tied it up. I decided it would be just as well to clean up, as I didn't want to back to the cocoa so I took a bath and started a fire. When Misi Panalei came too he got dinner (for a change) and we ate. (I was surely glad that I had my finger cut and couldn't wash the dishes.
August 27 After W.B.B. washed the breakfast dishes we went down and pruned in the cocoa again till late afternoon. We did the usual chores, ate supper, studied and went to bed.
August 28 The house surely has a bad habit of getting dirty. Looks like it would take better care of itself, at least as well as a Samoan house. I spent most of the day in studying and writing in my I.P.Book. Also did some more studying in the evening.
August 29 The school didn't come back from their vacation as planned. I worked on the old organ as planned that is in very bad shape. It is almost past repairing. In the late afternoon five of the boys and Limu came in from Itulasa.
August 31 We decided to hold Sunday School and Church here in Vaiola today. Elder Bandley and I of course were the main speakers. In the evening there was a new moon which we admired on the porch
August 31 I worked today on the old organ, tuning it up, etc. It surely takes the patience to take out each little key and polish it up. In the afternoon I went up to the basketball court and shot a few with the boys there.
September 1 This morning we heard a cow and a calf answering so we knew that they were on the opposite side of a fence and wanted to be together so we came to the conclusion that one or the other was outside the pasture. After breakfast we went down and found part of the cows out and the gate down, so we chased them back in and came back to the house for tools to fix it. We had obtained the necessary tools and set to work when we heard someone coming up the trail. When Misi Pesa appeared we knew that the Tau'uga had returned. Elder Allen returned in the late afternoon. In the evening we all did some studying, reading or figuring each man to his desires.
September 2 Today was spent in straightening up the house, yard, etc. which were all very dirty. We also did some visiting and a little studying. There was a "fiafia" in the evening which we all attended; it was held in the schoolhouse but we didn't enjoy any of the "fa'aloalo".
September 3 Elder Bandley and I went to Faga early this morning where we caught the boat for Fagamalo where we are going with a Samoan schoolteacher Fa'afuli to give an exam to Safotu School. We met Elder Ferrin on the boat at Faga. He is going up to Vaiola and come over the trail to Safotu on Saturday. We had a very good trip due to the fact that Elder Bandley and I got a place to lie down. We also saw a school of swordfish on our way over.
The boat was along only a little way offshore and it was quite rough because of an iron bound coast. That is a lava flow. One may look back for an inland to the mouth of the volcano and trace the huge flow down to where it widens out for miles along the coastline. When we arrived in the Fagamalo opening in the reef (commonly called a harbour in Samoa) we went ashore in a small rowboat.
There is quite a good house there that the Church owns and the Elders live in when there are some there. We had been there awhile when the Samoan Missionary Saifoloi came in. He stayed and talked to us awhile and helped us out with food. A couple of small girls from one of the families came over and did some cooking. All in all we had a very good trip and think we will have more fun before we get back. There was also a good bed and sweet dreams.
September 4 We arose early this morning and packed up our things, and went over to Saifoloi's for a late breakfast. Then we walked to Safotu on a very pretty trail and road around the coast for about three miles. Ta'afuli Safotu were all ready for us so we were well received and had all the "ava" etc. we could take care of.
September 5 Arose this morning early and sat around and talked with the old men that came in to see the "Papalagi." Elder Bandley fixed a clock for an old fellow, Siaosi, who is an investigator.