Daisy Richey Lewis
- Diary (January 1 to August 5, 1947)
[The family lived in New Mexico, first in Ranchitos, then in Totavi, while the dad worked "up the hill" in Los Alamos. He ran heavy road-building equipment. The children were Dwyn 7, Ian just turned 5, Tani 3 and Sharon 2.]
Jan 1, Wed Ranchitos, NM Waked at midnight (N. Years Eve) by a serenade (Spanish) at McKenzies [neighbors]. The usual New Year's wishes exchanged. Mother still visiting us. Saw "Sailor Take a Wife" at night.
Jan 2, Thu Made Ian a birthday cake (fruit). Took the bus to Riverside. Shopped and tried unsuccessfully to buy drivers license for Ivan and self. Ian enjoyed his supper and cake.
Jan 3, Fri Today turned out to be a busy day, more specifically cleaning day.
Jan 4, Sat Today I spent in preparation to taking Mother [Mary Ann Chapman Richey age 75] to Albuquerque. [To her daughter Elizabeth.] Wonder if she feels well enough for trip.
Ian about 5 years old
Jan 5, Sun Left Riverside about nine, arrived at eleven-thirty. Had a very good dinner at E's. [Elizabeth Stradling] Saw Alden's and Marjy's baby. Visited until four-thirty. Had a nice trip home.
Jan 6, Mon Could see Mother was tired after trip. Today is empty without her here. Early evening Sharon asked for her, then not believing us went to see if she were there. She stood and thot some, then said - no Albuquerque - no Albuquerque.
Jan 7, Tue Warmer today - Left children with neighbor, Mrs.____ while I went to Espanola for drivers licenses for Ivan and I. He has to get his himself. The children like the lady who stayed.
Jan 8, Wed Taking Mother to Albuquerque, we went into a couple of rather sudden dips. Sharon said, "We fall up and down, up and down."
Jan 9, Thu Warmer weather. Children played outside. Washed at laundry after dark. Sewed at Margaret's. Found violin has come apart.
Jan 10, Fri Dwyn returned to school yesterday. She is easily upset at night. I hope she gets stronger as she gets older. The mastoid trouble [Scarlet Fever Jan '45?] left her so ___. Tonight I washed clothes in Riverside, hanging out in morning.
Jan 11, Sat Did cleaning today - Ivan brought pictures of new housing project at Los Alamos. I haven't been inside the town so was interested to see where he has been working since last July.
Ivan and Daisy age 32
The house at Ranchitos had large rooms but... no running water so no bathroom as such. Did it have electicity? We had an icebox, no refrigeratior, but there might have been lights. The house was not on a street but on a large parcel of ground with at least one other house. The well was closer to us, then there was a large tilled garden area, then the big house.
Jan 12, Sun It didn't seem much like Sunday. Heard the program from Temple Square. But we need to attend Sunday meetings. Elizabeth says there is SS in Santa Fe at 2 pm. We hope to go soon.
Jan 13, Mon Dwyn missed the bus. She nearly always cries but was better about it today. I went to Santa Fe on the bus - shopping for shoes, etc. Mrs. Sisneros stayed with kiddies. At night Ivan took me to "Mildred Pierce."
Jan 14, Tue Dwyn likes to have me walk to the bus with her every morning. We can watch for it and start out when it comes in sight. Today I ironed and then washed at night. Then hang out next morning.
Jan 15, Wed Had the car today - Ivan riding or rather trading rides with one of the fellows he works with. So took Dwyn to school. Then I must make another trip this evening for Ivan.
Jan 16, Thu The weather extremely cold. I think Dwyn would have been better off not going to school today. But she hates so to miss that I let her go. She has missed so much being sick. Cut out some clothing to make for the children.
Jan 17, Fri Had a letter from Mother. She is still in Albuquerque - Doesn't know when she will get home.
Jan 18, Sat We have been blessed in many ways in the past year. We have been very happy together. Tho we have moved about, it beats being separated from my husband.
Sharon, Ian, Tani, Dwyn
Grandma Richey (Mary Ann Chapman)
Jan 19, Sun Sunday and we were not prepared to go to Santa Fe to S. School. The L.D.S. church program on radio was heard as usual.
Jan 20, Mon Ivan's side bothering him again. Must be his appendix.
Jan 21, Tue Tonight I rented a sewing machine to make some clothes for the family.
Jan 22, Wed Did some sewing. Took Ivan to work and went for him. Margaret went with me to show me where I can buy some apples.
Jan 23, Thu Received an apron from Mother for my birthday. She is still in Alb.
Jan 24, Fri The children remembered my birthday early. Every once in a while they would start singing Happy Birthday. They cut nice pictures [magazine?] and Dwyn drew a picture for me. Loving wishes from my dear husband, too.
Jan 25, Sat Today a typical Saturday for me. The weather so warm the children played outside. They have colds again, but are getting along better than Xmas time. Ivan took the Corderos to town to a show. [gave them a ride.]
Ian, Dwyn, Tani, Sharon
Jan 26, Sun Have not felt good today. Finally caught cold. Ivan's boss came for him to work at Loudermillk Farm. In afternoon I had car and took children to watch something.
Jan 27, Mon Wanted to get a great deal of sewing done today so after breakfast Dwyn washed dishes. Children made their beds and soon the house looked nice. I accomplished much. The Doc told Ivan that if mineral oil didn't help he should have his appendix out.
Jan 28, Tue Tonight the sky was so beautiful with fluffy clouds and moon and stars and sleepy earth beneath. How could anyone doubt that all nature is planned and watched over by a supreme being.
Jan 29, Wed Spent morning and part of afternoon sewing as much as possible. Ivan came home quite ill with a cold about 2:30. I do hope he gets over it safely, he has felt bad anyway.
Jan 30, Thu Ivan home today with that cold. He goes to work too long sometimes when he has a cold. I'm glad he will rest today and be doctored. [with cayenne, mustard plaster, Vick's and steam, etc.]
Jan 31, Fri He went back to work this morning. Tho I didn't think he should have. He doesn't like to miss work and make the check short.
Feb 1, Sat Didn't do much today as I felt badly. Had a cold lately and then sinus. The children have slight colds but seem to be getting better.
Feb 2, Sun At night Dwyn had earache until midnight. Had hoped to send her to school tomorrow.
She played outside and then her ear was bad.
Feb 3, Mon Nice and warm today. Our neighbors are burning trash and cleaning yards. Getting ready for spring planting. Children outside soaking up the warmth.
Feb 4, Tue The rope and pulley to the well were broken and down in the water this morning. Kept me without any water, as it happened, until about ten o'clock this morning.
Feb 5, Wed The machine I had rented won't sew this afternoon and just before time to return it. So I couldn't finish sewing. Ivan brought package from Mother with more things to sew. So told man I'd keep machine.
Feb 6, Thu Cleaned walls and ceiling in a besmoked living room. Took curtains down. The surfaces look shades whiter, so clean. Don't know
Feb 7, Fri Still cleaning living room. Washed and ironed curtains. My room looks much lighter. Cooler weather, children played outside some. Their dad brought ice cream for supper.
Feb 8, Sat The children helped with housework. Ian made two beds, his and mine, and washed dishes. Dwyn and Ian mopped floor and Dwyn made her bed. They are doing fine for 5 and 7 years old.
Ian, Tani
Feb 9, Sun Ivan fixed spring on car, also one king bolt. other would not come out. Low on groceries, got some after dark at Riverside. Ivan very tired from pounding on king bolt.
Feb 10, Mon The Singer Machine agent came and adjusted the machine and I decided to keep it another two weeks. Ivan came home with a hole in the car radiator. He spent all evening fixing it, I couldn't get groceries.
Feb 11, Tue Ivan had more car trouble today, the clutch went out when he was going up the hill (Los Alamos) this morning. He brought groceries when someone brought him home, then he and I walked to Sunnyside for sugar.
Feb 12, Wed Ivan intended to work on car but man who was to help him was sick. So car no good to us. He rides with boss, we get up an hour earlier to be ready.
Feb 13, Thu Suddenly decided to go to Santa Fe today for shoes and Dwyn valentines. Angelina went with us on bus. Mrs. Sisneroz stayed with children. At night Mrs. Hendricks and children came, stayed until 11:00 while Ivan and Mr. H. fixed car.
Feb 14, Fri In morning I felt fine, about noon I had a bad sore throat and went to bed early. Unable to get up in evening. Ian and Tani still don't feel good, they each spent a day in bed at the first of the week. Dwyn went to school for Val. day. [I didn't get any from my class. I was so sad. D.]
Feb 15, Sat No wash done this week. I stayed in bed except to get children a meal. Dwyn washed dishes and took care of things for me. Her dad said he thot the hardest part of family life was (over) [nothing more.]
Dad building roads at Los Alamos
Feb 16, Sun I'm still in bed. Ivan went to Riverside to get radiator soldered. Expected to be gone two hours. Came home in H.'s car at eight to say Hendricks was working on his. Finally came home at ten to get some rest.
Feb 17, Mon Ivan asked Mrs. Sizneros to come help me today. The house is so dirty, I still don't feel like doing anything. Had flu. She cleaned it thoroughly. Was up most of the day. Sharon had croup.
Feb 18, Tue I finally feel better. Made a pair of pants for Tani. Still haven't washed and am low on clean clothes. Sharon acts like she is having what I did. I went out and bought apples and groceries tonight.
Feb 19, Wed Feeling much better. Children keep having one cold after another.
Feb 27, Thu Went to wash tonight. Washed extra pieces which lady charges extra for - bill was $2.45.
Feb 28, Fri Hung out clothes, finished wash and ironed a few clothes. Talking of move to Los Alamos to modern house. It would be so convenient - save car and expense of travel.
Mar 1, Sat Intending to go to Santa Fe to find LDS branch Sunday School. Sharon had bad cough.
Our house in Totavi was one of three. The place was known as the Lowdermilk camp for a long time; it wasn't a town, just a place the construction workers could live in their trailers. We rode the bus up the hill to Los Alamos every morning to school.
Mar 2, Sun Went to Santa Fe in snow storm, could not find church we had been directed to. Went to museum then home.
Mar 3, Mon Sharon cough no better, for having gone out in car. My remedies seem to help very little. [wheat sensitivity? we ate a lot of bread. D.]
Mar 4, Tue Dwyn breaking out with red today, a schoolmate had chicken pox so it must be that. Storming over mountains.
Mar 5, Wed Had Doctor to see about Dwyn, It is chicken pox. Rash itches badly. Doctor gave Sharon pills for cough.
Mar 6, Thu Lotion for chicken-pox - relieves itching - now Dwyn feels better. Wind and storming on mnts.
Mar 7, Fri Margaret and I went to laundry. Ivan replaced car fan which broke on way home from work.
Mar 8, Sat Did usual cleaning. Dwyn getting along nicely. Hung out laundry. In evening was sick, back and side hurting. Ivan got supper.
Flashflood near Totavi. If you hear it coming, get out of the wash immediately.
Mar 9, Sun Snowed about 2 inches last nite. I stayed abed today. Sharon fell and cut her nose a bad half inch gash. Ivan got Doc. in afternoon. Saw Lowdermilk about getting house at Los Alamos.
Mar 10, Mon Ian, Tani Sharon had chicken pox. We had a boarder, Mr. Hendrix.
Mar 20, Sun Two LDS missionaries visited here today from the Spanish-American Mission. Invited us to attend services.
Apr 5, Sat Dwyn's birthday. Cake had eight candles this year. She is getting to be a young lady.
Apr 6, Sun Easter. The children had a kite and Easter eggs and a picnic. Mrs. Hendrix came from Colo. yesterday.
Apr 7, Mon Mrs. Hendrix (Irene) left this morning.
Apr 12, Sat Went to Albuquerque in afternoon as it rained and Ivan could not work, to see Mother and Aunt Lizzie. They met in Mesa as per last year, then to St. Johns and now to Alb.
Sharon, about 3 years old
Apr 13, Sun Had a memorable visit with Mother and Aunt Lizzie. Took children to zoo. Arrived home 7 o'clock.
Apr 28, Mon MIA held in Old Theater. San Juan Indian Chief told story of Montezuma in a legend.
Apr 29, Tues Went to Dr. Ziegler. Gave me a diet, found nothing seriously wrong
Apr 30, Wed Went to Ranch to try to find a modern house. Mrs. Switzer gave a hint we might find one. Lady in charge not home. Nice place.
May 1, Thu Took all children to see Pinochio, Ian cried when the puppet's fingers caught on fire. Carnival here, they want to go.
May 2, Fri Took Ian and Tani to primary at Switzers. Went to ranch up river to try to get a modern house. It was already taken. Mrs. Kent very nice.
May 3, Sat Mrs. Switzer brought children and visited this morning.
Sharon on the pony, Dwyn beside. At Totavi.
May 4, Sun Ivan took the car up the hill [to Los Alamos] today. We didn't get to SS. Mr. and Mrs. Nyne and Mr. and Mrs. Riddleburger visited here in evening.
May 5, Mon MIA had a wiener roast. The missionaries from Dixon were here. Two Elders and two LM's. [lady missionaries] Mr. H. came back today so he went too. Sang songs all evening.
May 7, Wed Mr. Hendrix staying with us again. Still trying to find a house, either modern or not, in Espanola.
May 8, Thu Usual round of housework. Old cat took her kittens away.
May 9, Fri Started raining this evening. Mr. Hendrix went home.
May 10, Sat Roof leaked badly. Still raining. Sent Mother's Day remembrance to Mother.
Mary Lee Switzer, Tani, Sharon
May 11, Sun Attended SS in Tofoya home. Children gave me miniature dog and cards. Dwyn had made one in school. Had lady missionaries to dinner, [mid day] they brought enchiladas. Went up hill in afternoon, the storm was over.
May 12, Mon Ivan didn't work so we went to Santa Fe. Had dental work done. Filming picture in plaza. Ivan had two teeth pulled. Hendrix had word Irene was to have operation, he left.
May 13, Tue Dwyn missed bus. She and I walked to San Juan Pueblo (school). Takes 1 hour. She came home with bad rope burns on her legs which two Mexican boys had made.
May 14, Wed Kept Dwyn home today.
May 22, Thu Kept appointment at Santa Fe. Dentist Dr. Glem. He only sprayed teeth. I wanted him to fill some, but no.
May 23, Fri Last day of school. Dwyn glad of vacation.
Watching the flashflood near Totavi. Sharon is nearest, Tani next.
[May 13, '47 A flashback as I read this - some boys accost me outside the classroom after school. They insist that I have to go to catacism too, but I insist that I don't have to because I'm not Catholic. After that I don't remember. D.]
May 29, Thu Ivan has Fri and Sat off. He intends to repair car.
May 30, Fri This morning Duran brought E. Ricks, W. St. Dist. Pres out. He had requested missionaries to be sent here. About ten we started for Ramah. Arrived about dark.
May 31, Sat Slept in our house last night. [What house? In Ramah?] This morning sorted and packed things we wanted to take to St. Johns. F. L. will take them in trailer. Met and enjoyed short visit with many people.
Jun 1, Sun Arrived in St. Johns last night. Mother surprised. Saw the folks this morning and left about ten o'clock had two flat tires and bought two tires. Arrived home about 8:00.
Jun 2, Mon Back to same old grind. For next three weeks we will be getting ready for Fiesta. Jun 3, Tue Went to Santa Fe today, had 2 teeth pulled. Wanted more filled, but was glad to get out of chair.
Jun 4, Wed Washed today. Looked for house in afternoon. Roof here practically repaired. Jun 5, Thu McKenzie son and hired man are repairing roof. I hope they get it so it will not leak. Went to Santa Fe and had two teeth pulled. |
Sharon at Ranchitos
Jun 6, Fri Practiced for Spanish dances at Fiesta. New people, the Martins, may join us.
Jun 7, Sat Got ready for Sunday. Sharon had cough and very hoarse. Put plaster on her. [mustard plaster, yuk] She broke out in hives solid from waist up into hair. Never have seen the like.
Jun 10, Tue Washed and got ready for MIA and dance practice of Champanakas and Taputio.
Jun 11, Wed Ironed and went to town to shop and look for house. The only way to find one is to know someone is going to move before they do.
Jun 12, Thu Looked for house again. Want to move before school starts in fall. Earlier if possible.
Jun 13, Fri Looked for house in town today. Thot I had one located only to learn someone else had been there first.
Jun 14, Sat Cleaned for Sunday School.
Jun 15, Sun Had Sunday School here.
Jun 16, Mon Ordered wieners for fiesta from Mr. Brigham at Fairview Had teeth filled in Santa Fe.
Jun 17, Tue Wash day. so many things to do for Fiesta. Practiced tonight. Wonder if we will do dances. They look awful still.
Jun 19, Thu Pres. and Sister Jones held conference in our big living room. Many missionaries present. Meeting very inspirational. Had Pres. and Sis. Jones and 4 missionaries for supper.
Jun 20, Fri Tonight had dress rehearsal. Dances went well. E. Smith and Walker from Alb. stayed last night. Took them to R. this morning. Doc. took band off Sharon's chest.
Jun 21, Sat Day of our Fiesta. Made costumes for family and did a million other things. Pres. and Sis. Jones and 8 missionaries and friends of M. Switzers from Los Alamos helped make it a success. Took in $38.00.
Jun 22, Sun Elders Allen and Baer slept on cots in living room. Went on with Duran to conferences this morning. Irene Hendrix came for us to go to mountains for picnic. Finally went by Rio Grande ____ too.
Jun 23, Mon Ivan did not work today on account of a contract not signed. So we went to Santa Fe and I had a wisdom tooth pulled. Allergic to Novacaine
Jun 24, Tue At Spanish supper at Bill's and Mary's (Switzer). Have a huge jaw this morning. Yesterday we went by and looked at prefab houses at L. camp that we may live in.
Jun 25, Wed Have decided that we would like to move. Bill and Mary undecided.
Jun 26, Thu Ivan saw Laudermilk this morning and asked about the houses. He said to go ahead and live in them. We fix them up and no rent. Made Tani cake for his birthday.
Jun 27, Fri Washed today - Glad to have found another house to move to. Not much floor space but it is handy with built ins.
Jun 28, Sat Cleaned house for SS. Looked over furniture at second hand outfit. Have to have table & chairs & beds & stove. Hendrix' came for visit. Bill and Mary and children came for supper.
Jun 29, Sun Ivan had to work up the hill. We had Sunday School, very few present. Went up hill to look over house. Met Ivan there.
Jul 30, Mon Went with Mary to paint house at L. camp. Finished kitchen and LR walls. Getting about a hundred dollars worth of furniture. Just necessities.
Jul 1, Tue Took Mrs. Molina to help clean house at L. camp. Finished early Had a cloudburst over the valley. We went to see how much of a flood. Found it running over road. L.M.s had to move out.
Jul 2, Wed Did washing and ironing both today.
Jul 3, Thu Packed today expecting to move tomorrow but when Ivan came home he changed our plans. He works on the 4th, has Sat off.
Jul 4, Fri So I had another day to pack and it is just as well. I should be already.
Jul 5, Sat Moved today to L camp Took 2 car loads and 1 trailer. How much am I going to leave behind when I move in just a trailer.
Jul 6, Sun Ivan had to work today so didn't get to fix a few things as we had planned.
Jul 7, Mon Still trying to find a place for everything. More places for things with storeroom Ivan bought 2 beds & 3 mattresses up hill.
Jul 8, Tue This canyon is a pretty place. The children have room to play. And the water is closer though we still carry it.
Jul 9, Wed Went to town & washed at laundry then visited Irene Hendrix and hung clothes out then ironed all ironing.
Jul 10, Thu Wonder when I'll get this place livable. Bought dinner yesterday so have more storage space.
Jul 11, Fri Went to Santa Fe today for Groceries and shoes. Left Ian with Mrs. Switzer. Did business for her. Had word my machine had finally arrived so picked it up on way home.
Jul 12, Sat Planning on going to SS in Santa Fe Sun so will have a good days work today. That is if Ivan has day off.
Jul 13, Sun Men put water in this morning and then we had dinner and went to S School in Santa Fe. Ivan expecting Lloyd Lewis.
Jul 14, Mon Made myself a much needed dress. Seems good to sew when I have time again. Lloyd came and we went to Santa Fe to get referals [?]
Jul 15, Tue Made lunch today, hubby thot it a good one. Ivan and Lloyd played banjo and accordian this evening. Play well together.
Jul 16, Wed Varnished dinette today. Tani fell in cactus. Thorns from ankle to knee.
Jul 17, Thu Went to Espanola to wash.
Jul 18, Fri Last night in conversation on mothers-in-law, Ivan said, "I can say one thing, I have a mighty fine one."
Jul 19, Sat Lloyd quite job and I took him to Espanola to bus. Home to do cleaning and bathing. Ivan upset at Lloyd going.
Jul 20, Sun Bill S. worked and Ivan was home for a change. We planned on going to SS (maybe) with them. Our car broken down.
Jul 22, Tue Ivan took our car to D____ today for repair. Expect to have it in 2 days. Will be able to get groceries. Mary and Bill will help us. They are the best of neighbors.
Jul 23, Wed Car was not done tonight so Ivan stayed and helped Hendrix on his car.
Jul 24, Thu Went to Los Alamos for first time. Much as I expected as Ivan has described. Mary's friend Mrs. Dillard secured passes for us to see about school.
Jul 25, Fri Mary and I ironed at friend's in Espanola. The trip to Los Alamos was unsuccessful as principal out of town. Going later.
Jul 26, Sat The children had the two oldest Hendrix children for the night and all day playmates. Mary brought groceries again for us. Bill took her and children away for vacation.
Jul 27, Sun Ivan had to work today, he doesn't like to work on Sunday. It bothers him. He's wondering if we are doing right thing staying here.
Jul 28, Mon Should have electricity in day or so says McKee. Gave dining set coat of varnish. Painted radio table red. Children get along without so much trouble - alone
Jul 29, Tue Ivan and I took early morning walk, so refreshing. I want to do it every day. Not easy to jump out of bed in a hurry after not doing so for years.
Jul 30, Wed Get short on groceries so far from a store. When Mary here we borrow back and forth. Both women neighbors on vacation. hate to borrow from the men, women understand.
Jul 31, Thu Took children to Santa Fe Shopped for shoes, cloth for school and groceries. then passing through Espanola met the LMs, they were leaving. Sr. Lunt (Olive's cousin) has to have operation.
Aug 1, Fri Hendrixes came and spent the evening. Children rowdy. Everyone exhausted. They expect to leave 13th. Ivan kidding thot it an unlucky day for others not he.
Aug 2, Sat Tani's present byword is "oh diddle de dum." He says it very fast. It fills in for any number of words lacking in his vocabulary. Ivan giving ring for anniversary present.
Aug 3, Sun Went to Santa Fe to SS. Elegando and companion were there. Ivan wanted them to come out here. Said they had too much to do. Brought ice for icebox.
Aug 4, Mon Did huge 2 weeks wash at laundry in Espanola. Rained before clothes hung. Planted wild plants in beds at side of step. Went to show - Song of Schahezerade (about N. Ruski Korsokov, Russian composer)
Aug 5, Tue Some of Ivan's co-workers laid off today, Hendrix one.
Dwyn 8, Ian 5, Sharon 3, Tani 4