Mary Ann Chapman's Story    Part 3   26

I got so weak I could hardly see or hear from loss of blood. I was in bed three months at this time. Lou was such a help & had to stay out of school to help, she was so willing & so sweet to me.

the teams & wagons & hauled timber & built two rooms & a fireplace in one room. They were always doing nice things for us. I had a very serious sick spell in 1907. After Aunt Scharlotte did all she could I still was so weak & had a chill & fever every day. Brother David K. Udall told his wife Ida he felt impressed to administer to me (we had the Elders before twice) they were our nearest neighbors. I improved fast after the administration & gained strength, after we had Dr. too. I have been healed so many times & spared to my family. If I havent told this in this history before I want to tell it now, that it was my constant prayer that I would live to raise my family. Being a motherless girl I know how badly children miss their mother, although I had such a dear kind stepmother. As I was praying in the night, I was not asleep, I saw a beautiful garden & a voice said to me "Can you stand all you will have to go through to live to raise your Family?" I said Yes. The Voice was in this beautiful Garden. My life has been spared several times very wonderfully & I have tried to do my full duty by my Dear children & Dear husband who was so kind to us all. Jay never seemed very strong. He had Quinsy, Pneumonia

Jay loved a little metal billy goat & cart that was given to him for Christmas when two years old he kept it always with him if he did miss it he went around saying where's billy doat & wagon? we always enjoyed the sweet little darling as we did every one in their sweet loving ways.
One winter when the children had whooping cough & Hugh kept coughing Sister Whiting sent honey that helped

& I am sure now he must have had Rheumatic Fever when he was three years old, for he complained of his legs. I made a tea bag steeping the swamproot that grew by the spring & was good kidney medicine, but no one knew then what Rheumatic Fever was or that it left the heart weak. When Hugh was about eleven he took measles from school in St.Johns, then when he was just getting over them all the others had measles all at once. Hugh kept going all the time as Moroni & I did & Hugh was weak & with seven down all at once it kept us three going. Jay was the baby in the buggy & wanted it kept going all the time. Moroni kept it going. It was always twelve midnight before we could get some rest. One day Sister Morgan ,who lived near, brought over a plate of food & had me sit down & eat, for she said she knew I didn't get time when I would get something for Moroni & Hugh. Hugh should have been having rest instead of going all the time. Lou was pretty sick & Forest too, being the oldest. One day Lou said to me why doesn't Leigh talk any louder. She was in another room. I was so busy I hadn't noticed