Mary Ann Chapman's Story    Part 5   45


could, it was so lovely to be with them again. When they had gone to Oregon to find work with their car & trailer, leaving their plane in Holbrook, Mable had come back for the plane & flew it up to them alone. She is a very brave girl & a true helpmate to Jay in his weakness & affliction. He got so weak he could hardly walk. Mable worked in a glove factory till she too got sick. Then at a Conference in Bend Apostle Harold B. Lee gave him a blessing, promising him to be healed & he was & got so he could work again. As they took me to Gresham their home, the road was so beautiful. We passed Mt.Hood & in that land there are other mountain peaks so much like Mt.Hood. Their home was their trailer house with a lean to by a grove of pines. In it the moss was so thick & beautiful, I enjoyed it so much in that beautiful land. They took me to Portland where I saw so many beautiful shrubs & flowers & across the river into Washington where they had been. That is such a beautiful land. We went to Mission Headquarters where LaRee was a missionary. I was so happy to see her. Jay & Mable had been a comfort to her. As it was time for Leigh to go to St. Johns, Jay & Mable & children took me back to Bend to come back with Leigh. I enjoyed my visit so much. Leigh had Brother Harris & I in a little car he got for the trip. It didn't work good & he said he was so sorry that the trip wasn't more pleasant for me but we got along & I enjoyed the scenery & being with him. He got Ramona & went back.

I hadnt been going to the Temple for some time as Josephines home was broken up for Golden had left her for good & she finally married John Crandall the last names I did work for that I had found were done so didn't have any more to do work for & I wasnt as strong as before but I longed every fall to do Temple work

He was needed in that Branch, was President of it, then made District President. But when he got out of work he resigned & moved back to St.Johns. I am always glad to have my children in St.Johns so they can come to see me often. They are all kind to me. As the years went Ivan's work took them to many places. They would come at times & live here but hadn't got a home so the others said for them to stay & take care of me as I am getting more feeble & need someone with me. So they built onto my house with only a door between us. It is so nice to have them so close & they are kind to me. They are to have this property when I am gone. I get the rent of the 2 houses that was built on the south to Rent to provide for me. It is enough when they are both rented. Vivian & Daisy did so much to pay for the finishing of the new house that Hugh gave so much material for. Jay helped & it stood so long in the frame work that Biness when out of work came with his helpers & finished & we were so thankful to have a nice home. Vivian has the portion of the lot that is a pasture. She & Clarence lived in the old house at one time & in one of the new houses for awhile. Then Clarence bought a home. I am writing this on Daisy & Ivan's 20th wedding Anniverary, they are taking their children into the mountains for an outing. I would loved to have gone but don't feel able. I am 85, that would have made me 65 when they were married.