I had toothache so much, my first teeth had to be pulled by a dentist on my 4th birthday.
I remember having it so bad I lay on the floor with my head in a little round backed chair
rolling back & forth to bear the pain. My teeth had such long roots later they had to be pulled by a dentist & would give me a doll every time I had one pulled.
Hyrum about Lizzie's age, & Welcome, younger. I also enjoyed the beautiful hills & creek bottom of Cottonwood Creek in Little Cottonwood. I was 4 years old there. I remember my father bringing my stepmother a bunch of wild rose buds. It is my first memory of the wild rose & whenever I see wild rose buds I remember those my father gave to her. He loved flowers & nature in all its beauties & often showed us many of nature's beauty spots & drew our attention to the beautiful scenery as we traveled. I remember the mossy banks near the house that we lived in then, the wallflowers that grew on the mossy banks, near the house & choke cherries along Cottonwood Creek at Little Cottonwood. After we moved back to Parleys Park we lived there until I was 6 years old. Then we moved back to Salt Lake City, to my stepmother's house. She & her mother & younger sister Clara were all married to a Bro. John McDonald who died & each had a home on the same lot. My stepmother had a daughter 9 months older than I, Agnes McDonald. I loved her as I did any one who I was associated with. She was very proud and often called me a Country Jake because she lived in Salt Lake City much of the time with
I remember the big chunks of dried beef, how long it kept in frying condition & how good to whittle off & chew.
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her Grandmother and Aunt Clara, & I was a Country Jake because I lived at South Cottonwood & Silver Creek, she only coming on visits but after we left Parleys Park & went to S.L. City she lived with her mother. When we would make trips to & from S.L.C. we would often camp on the road & how I did enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery, big stream of water & canyon & trees & flowers. Our house was between the mountain or high hill on the east & Silver Creek west. At sheep shearing time we all went to the camp, Father to sheer, Mamma to cook. I remember gleaning wool from the bushes that the sheep went through. There was a spring between Uncle Hyrum's house & ours, my father walled it up for drinking water. The first water cress I remember was at that spring. One day as we children were playing along the creek bottom down in the field I was the last one to leave, there was always some pretty green leaf or flower I was looking for. In reaching out for it I slipped down on quicksand & was sinking when my cries brought the others back to help me. Susie being the oldest, got there first & helped me out. Wanship was north of us, Sniderville west 3 miles, where we used to go to S. School & meetings. The 4th of